Things not to talk about
What score do I give?
PNM said WHAT?
Recruitment Vocab
Is it a MC?

True or False: It's okay to talk to a PNM about alcohol on the recruitment floor

False: One of the 5 B's 



PNM Sally Says " I hate Alpha Gams"  on the recruitment floor. What score should PNM Sally get for respect? 

Remember its on a 5 point scale 

PNM Sally Should get a 1 


PNM Sally is leaving the recruitment round and turns around and says to the member "OMG I cant wait to see you tomorrow" ( implying they will be invited to the next round) What do you say back? 

Something along the lines of " I hope you have a great night" Anything that does NOT imply that you will see them in the next day of recruitment 

What does AGD stand for? 

Alpha Gamma Delta 


What is a Membership Concern (MC) ?

A Membership Concern: An event that happens on the recruitment floor during that round (Party) in which a PNM says or does something concerning.

Can only be made by a member in good standing immediately following the round (party).

Must contain Respectful, factual, and detailed information.

Is reviewed by the Membership Selection committee where they will decide if it needs to be brought to membership discussion.


True or False: We should NOT encourage PNM's To single preference 

True: Per PHC and IHQ we should encourage all PNMs to keep their options open


What score does every PNM start out with? 

Remember its on a 5 point scale 

All PNMs always start out with a 3 


PNM Sally say " Do you all go out and drink together?" 

What should you say? 

Anything along the lines of " We spend a lot of time with each other"  And redirects to talk about sisterhood :) 

Anytime a PNM says anything involving one of the 5 B's you must redirect them. If PNM Sally continues to bring it up write this down as a membership concern. 


What does PNM stand for?

Potential New Member 


PNM Sally was at a Frat party last week and was talking poorly about Alpha Gam

Is this a Membership concern? 


This did not happen on the recruitment floor. Per IHQ that does not qualify for a membership concern regardless of personal views 


True or False: We should talk negatively about other Chapters to a PNM on the recruitment floor including Fraternities 

False: We should be encouraging Greek love regardless of our own personal views 


PNM Sally says that she was involved in debate, Key club, National honors society, Caption of her softball team, and DECCA in high school. She plans on also joining clubs in college and she is very interested in leadership. What score should PNM Sally get for Ambition? 

remember on a 5 point scale ?

Either 4 or 5 

PNM is above average in involvement so she should be above a 3. However, it is up to the Member's discretion


PNM Sally asks a question about Finances that you do not feel comfortable talking about or you are not certain how to answer. 

Who do you get to help? 

Find either VPR, VPF, Or CP 

If none of these sisters are available, find a sister who is available and bring your pnm to them see if they can answer. If not, leave them with that sister and go find someone who can answer. 


What is a Pi Chi? 

A member of one of the chapters who is disaffiliated and is helping PNM's navigate recruitment. 


Members overhear PNM Sally talking about how after this round she is going to party at a Frat. PNM Sally brings this up many times to many members. 

Is this a membership concern?


That is one of the 5 B's! A member ship concern should be written on omega recruit and submitted to the membership selection team!


True or False: You can tell a PNM how they are being scored and weather or not we want them to join the Chapter? 


Please do NOT bid promise 


PNM Sally walks into preference round with jeans with no holes, a plain t-shirt, and there are no concerns about personal hygiene. Does their score bump down for respect? 

No: As long as the PNM looks like they put some care into the way they are presenting themselves (brushed their hair, brushed their teeth, seeming to take care of themselves) their score should not be affected base on their outfit regardless of the round. 


PNM Sally comes in to the house tour and says that another chapter's house is so much nicer. 

How do you respond to that? 

Something along the lines of " I'm not too sure about their house but our sisters spend a lot of time in this part of the house" 

As long as you can move the topic to being about our house and our chapter. 

We do not want to talk about other chapters if we can help it!


What is a Pre Score? 

A score we give a PNM based on the information they give to PHC. 

Leadership, Scholarship, and Service 


PNM Sally asks who a member is voting for in the upcoming election. The member says that they prefer not to answer that. PNM Sally moves on to a different conversation. 

Is this a membership concern ?

No: If the PNM had not dropped the conversation or brought it back up again then it would be a membership concern. 

Often, PNMs get nervous and aren't always sure what they shouldn't talk about at recruitment and just try to make conversation.  


What are the 5 big things you do NOT talk to a PNM about 

the 5 B's 

Baes (partners) 

Booze (alcohol and drugs) 

Bucks (how much money you have)

Biden (politics) 

Beliefs (Religion)

The non official one is Bid Promising 


PNM Sally seems to have connected with 2 members of the chapter. Those members are not sure however that she will connect with a large majority of the chapter. How would you score this PNM?

PNM Sally should have a score of 3 or less. Depending on the round, the score might differ. If this is a preference round this should be a 2 or less and documented in the comment section. If this is night one, this would be less concerning as there are two additional days to make connections. 


PNM Sally comes into Preference round and is just sitting and refusing to talk to the member sitting with her. 

What should you do? 

While this is super rare it does happen

Sometimes PNMs are not trying to be rude they just are nervous or are so set on another chapter that they don't want to give the idea that they want to be anywhere else. The best thing to do at that point is to just talk about campus and non Alpha Gam stuff. If that doesn't work Attempt to bring in another sister to help. DO NOT FREAK OUT!

The membership selection committee does its best to bring back PNMs who want to be an Alpha Gam, and we still want to try to get to know the quiet PNMs. See if you can find anything to chat about. 


We score PNM's on ARC scores... What does ARC stand for? 

A: Ambition

R: Respect

C: Connestivty


PNM Sally tells members that she does a lot of volunteering at her church. 

Is this a Membership Concern? 

No: While PNM Sally does bring up one of the 5 B's (Beliefs) She is not saying it in a way that would be concerning. If the PNM was saying that she " HATEs anyone that doesn't believe what she believes" Then it would be a concern.