Recycling Basics
To Recycle or Not Recycle? that is the Question
Begins with "R"
Where does most trash and waste go after it is picked up by the trash truck?
What is a landfill. Landfills are huge tracts of land where trash is buried. Unfortunately, the land cannot be used for much else once a landfill is established.
Define conservation.
What is the wise use of a natural resource. It does not mean don't use the resource, but just use it wisely.
Newspaper, cardboard, cereal boxes, etc.
Yes, all paper related items, if clean, are recyclable. Recycling paper and cardboard helps reduce the number of trees that are harvested for paper production. Trees provide wildlife habitat, shade, fruit and nuts. Trees also use carbon dioxide - a greenhouse gas that is thought to be causing global warming and climate change.
True or False; Glass can be recycled over and over again and again without any noticeable changes in quality.
TRUE! Glass can be recycled an infinite amount of times without any changes in quality.
This is the act of using as little of a product as necessary. Looking for smaller packaging is a way to practice this activity.
What is reducing? Reducing is simply thinking about how much stuff we use and collect, and trying to reduce that amount. In general, "reducing" involves those items that we can do without.
Recycling saves e_____y, creates j___bs, and conserves r_______es.
Energy, jobs, resources.
True or False; turning off the lights in an empty room, buying foods packaged in bulk, switching to more energy efficient light bulbs are all good examples of practicing conservation.
TRUE! Conservation takes many shapes and forms. Whenever we make changes in our lives that reduce our energy use or reduce our use of natural resources are examples of practicing conservation.
Spaghetti sauce jars, pickle jars, olive jars, jelly jars, etc.
Yes, all glass food containers are recyclable. Window glass, mirrors, and auto glass are not recyclable. Recycling glass uses about 90% less energy than making glass from raw materials.
Name four ways a family can reduce its solid waste (trash) that goes into a landfill.
recycling, composting, reusing items, repairing items, buying food in bulk packaging, etc. MANY ANSWERS
This is the act of taking an unwanted product or material and reprocessing it into a new product.
What is recycling? Recycling helps keep landfills as small as possible, creates jobs, reduces energy use, and reduces pollution - all at the same time.
In Licking County, residents can recycle p___r, g____ss, c_____db____d, a______m cans, s_____l cans, and p_______c bottles all in one container.
paper, glass, cardboard, aluminum, steel, plastic
Name three ways your family or organization can practice conservation.
Many examples;
Aluminum drink cans
Yes! Aluminum cans are one of the easiest materials to recycle. A recycled aluminum can goes from the recycling bin to new can in about 60 days. Aluminum foil, aluminum pans, and aluminum pots are unfortunately not recyclable in traditional recycling bins. Much of the aluminum ore in the world is found in China or in tropical rain forest areas. We should protect rain forests!
True or False: Landfills are a great place to raise crops and livestock, go fishing, hiking, and camping.
FALSE; landfills are sometimes converted to golf courses or open space after they are filled, but in general they have very limited uses. Landfills may leach toxins, emit methane gas, and other problems for public health.
This is the act of using something again and again, sometimes for a new or different purpose.
What is reusing? Reusing something includes donating and buying things at thrift stores so those items don't go into the landfill.
Where is the closest recycling bin to where we are at right now?
In the parking lot of the church!
True or False: a renewable natural resource is basically the same thing as a non-renewable natural resource.
FALSE! Renewable natural resources are resources that we can grow over and over again, such as trees, wildlife, fish, etc. Proper management of the resource is critical. A non-renewable natural resource is one that cannot be grown or recreated, such as oil, coal, and most minerals. Once they are gone, they are gone forever.
Plastics such as milk and juice jugs, pop bottles, Gatorade bottles, water bottles, yogurt cups, cottage cheese containers, etc.
Yes! All plastic food and drink containers are recyclable. Unfortunately, foam products are generally not recyclable. Recycled plastics can be turned into carpet, new containers, plastic lumber, and even fabric for clothing.
TRUE or FALSE: In Licking County everyone must separate their recyclables into plastics, aluminum, steel, paper, and glass.
FALSE - in Licking County residents do not have to separate their recyclables at all. Glass, aluminum, paper, tin, cardboard, plastic, and steel can all be mixed together in the recycling bins.
This is the act of taking an organic material and letting it degrade and decay.
What is rot or rotting? Composting our food waste is a type of rotting. Starting a worm farm is a way of promoting rotting.
True or False: everyone can recycle
TRUE! everyone can recycle. It is easy!
True or False: Recycling is a great way to practice conservation because it saves energy, saves resources, creates jobs, and saves space in the landfill.
TRUE! Recycling does all of these things and more.
Steel/tin cans such as soup cans, and fruit/vegetable cans.
Yes! All steel/tin food cans are recyclable. Larger pieces of metal (cars for example) can be recycled at scrap yards.
True or False: it takes approximately 1,200 plastic milk jugs to make a plastic picnic table.
This is the act of showing or demonstrating a high regard, honor, or reverence for a person or action.
What is respect? By practicing reducing, recycling, reusing, re-purposing are all ways to respect the environment.