Recycling at CSS
Global Warming
Green Careers
Why Recycle
Looseleaf, construction, paper bags, cardboard, paper boxes from packaging materials, candy boxes, and envelopes
What goes in the mixed paper bin?
The burning of gas and coal in factories to produce paper and bottles and other items.
What causes global warming?
Sells recycled products,organic restaurants, hotels, green cleaning services
What is a Green Business Owner?
Food scraps and paper waste like cups, plates, food trays are broken down into organic components.
What is bio diesel fuel?
This can be found in every classroom and office
What is the trash can and mixed recycling bin?
This creates carbon dioxide.
What is the burning of fossil fuels?
Researches new energy saving technology or ways to recycle materials
What is a scientist?
This saves NYC tax payer money instead of paying to take our trash to landfills, companies buy our recyclables.
What is recycling?
Empty beverage containers, stiff plastic food containers, plastic cups, sporks, knives, spoons, forks, other metal and heavy plastic items
What are the large blue bins that say "metal, glass, plastic, cartons"?
In the North Pole and Antarctica the ice, glaciers, and snow are melting.
What is an effect of global warming?
Gets investments for Green Companies.
What is an investment banker?
Where you are required to recycle, mandated by the law in NYC.
What is home, public, and in school?