The term for the process of movement of air into and out of the lungs
What is ventilation
This lifestyle habit can help you avoid chronic disease like diabetes and heart failure
What is Regular Exercise?
What does PRN stand for in medical orders?
What is "as needed"
What are the five "rights" of medication administration? Which one is missing? Right patient, medication, dose, route and ____
What is Professor Mauws biggest fear?
This dome-shaped muscle plays a key role in respiration by contracting to allow for lung expansion
what is the diaphragm
This vaccine helps prevent disease like measles, mumps, and rubella
What is the MMR vaccine?
What is the term for a heart rate that is too fast?
What is tachycardia
What is the correct action to take if you are unsure about a medication order?
What is clarify with provider
What does Jordan Blunn love?
What is BOOKS!
These two tubes branch off of the trachea and lead into each lung
What are the bronchi
This disease, transmitted through blood and bodily fluids, is a major concern in healthcare settings and is preventable with vaccination.
What is hepatitis B?
What does the "A" in ABCs of CPR stand for?
What is airway
What is the angle for administering a subcutaneous injection?
Who is the best and only male lab professor?
Who is Stephen
this chronic condition causes inflammation and narrowing of the airways, leading to wheezing and shortness of breath
What is asthma
This infection control measure is used in hospitals to protect patients from airborne pathogens like tuberculosis.
What are airborne precautions
The position of lying flat on your back is called
What is supine
When administering oral medications, how should you confirm that the patient has swallowed the pill?
What is look for pocketing of pill
Who calls each-other work wives
Who is Jordan and Tammi!
This progressive lung disease is characterized by reduced surface area for gas exchange, leading to hyperinflation of the lungs
What is emphysema
In intensive care units (ICU), this method helps prevent infections by using a sterile technique when inserting devices like catheters or IV lines.
What is aseptic technique
What is a normal adult blood sugar
What is 60-100
What is one of the common sites for administering an intramuscular (IM) injection in adults?
What is deltoid