This is describes a noun or pronoun
What is an adjective
Fill in the blank with the BEST conjuction word (FANBOYS):
Would you like Skittles, ____ would you like Starburst?
What is OR?
A "kernel sentence" has how many parts? (Also know as simple sentence.
What is 2?
Is non-fiction real or not real?
This landform is surrounded by water on all sides
a) pennisula b) isthmus. c) island
What is an island?
This is a person, place or thing
What is a noun?
Use a conjuction word (FANBOYS) to combine these two sentences:
I wanted to eat ice cream, ______ I was full.
What is but?
What are the two parts of a kernel/simple sentence?
What are a subject and verb?
A protective charm is:
a)amulet b)ankh c) obelisk
What is an amulet?
________is the force of attraction between all objects in the universe.
What is gravity?
This is an action word
What is a verb?
Fill in the black with the correct conjection
The movie was long,______ it was very entertaining.
What is BUT?
What kid of sentence asks a question?
a) declarative. b) interrogative. c) imperative
What is interrogative?
Hieroglyphs are picture symbols in the American writing system:
True or False
FALSE: what is the Egyptian writing system?
Name the principal and vice principal of our school?
Who are Dr. Romeo and Ms. Cramer
Find the preposition in this sentence:
"Tyler jumped over the bouncy chair"
What is over?
Combine the sentence using the correct FANBOYS word:
He was not feeling well,________ he went home early.
What is SO?
This type of sentence states an idea
a) interrogative. b) declarative c) exclamatory
What is declarative
Use the word substantial in a sentence to show you know what it means.
Answer will vary
What mountain did three WMS teachers hike over February break?
Bonus points if you can name ONE of the three teachers
Extra Bonus if you can name what continent this mountain is in.
Answers 1) Mt. Killimanjaro
2.) Mr. Fernandez, Ms. Naughton, Mr. Reddington
3.) Africa
Find the adverb in this sentence:
"Addision skiis quickly down the mountain."
What is quickly?
Use a FANBOYS word to combine the two sentences:
They practiced hard, ________ they won the game.
What is SO?
Name one way you can expand a sentence? One type of sentence expander
What is where, how, when, why?
What does it mean to paraphrase something?
What is put it in your own words?
A measurement of a wave from crest to crest or trough to trough
What is a wavelength?