That One is POISON
This is Hot
Cold Hearted
Environmental Smorgasbord

This is a substance that causes injury, illness or death if it enters the body.

What is a poison


This is the best way to prevent heat related injuries.

What is stay hydrated?


A potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce heat, causing the core body temperature to fall below 95° F (35° C).

What is hypothermia?


An injury caused by freezing of the skin and underlying tissues as a result of prolonged exposure to freezing or subfreezing temperatures.

What is Frostbite?


In frostbite, the area of the body that is usually most affected.

What is, nose, ears, fingers and toes


Call this number for a suspected poisoning if the person does not have signs or symptoms of a life-threatening condition.

What is 1-800-222-1222 (the national Poison Help hotline)?


This is a condition characterized by cramps in the legs and abdomen.

What are heat cramps?


When this stops occurring, hypothermia has has worsened and the person needs immediate medical care. 

What is shivering?


If there is a chance the body part could refreeze, you should...

What is "Not try to rewarm the frostbitten area."


These type of people are particularly susceptible to hypothermia. 

Who are children, elderly and people with health conditions that affect circulation?


GI symptoms (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), respiratory symptoms (SOB), neurological symptoms (changes in level of consciousness, seizures, etc) and skin symptoms (abnormal skin color or sweating) are all signs of this.

What is possible signs and symptoms of poisoning?


This heat-related illness is life threatening.

What is heat stroke?


Wet or windy conditions increase a person’s risk for this.

What is hypothermia?


The first aid treatment for frostbite could include.

What is immersion in warm water or skin to skin contact?


This is the least severe heat related illness. 

What are heat cramps?


Swallowed, Inhaled, absorbed through the skin or eye, injected 

What is, "how poisons can enter the body?"


A good drink to offer when a person has heat exhaustion.

What is a commercial sports drink, coconut water or milk?


A good drink to offer a person who has hypothermia.

What is warm broth or water?


Loosely bandage the area with a dry, sterile bandage.

What is, After rewarming?


This is the first step to take when providing first aid care to a possible poisoning, and the person is experiencing life threatening sign and symptoms.

What is call 9-1-1?


Open or spilled containers.

Unusual odors.

Burns around the person’s mouth or a strange odor on the person’s breath.

The presence of other people who are ill.

What is "What you should look for when checking the scene of possible poisoning?"


Immerse the person up to his or her neck in cold water or place ice-water-soaked towels over the person’s entire body to give first aid for this condition.

What is heat stroke?


Factors that can increase a person’s risk for hypothermia

What is:

Prolonged exposure to cold

Wet or windy conditions

Wet clothing


The body part may need to be amputated

What is, if frostbite is severe?


This is the number to the poison help hotline. 

What is 1-800-222-1222?