First Aid Basics
Disaster Preparedness
Red Cross History
Health & Safety
Volunteer Opportunities

What’s the first thing you should do when you see someone unconscious?

Check for responsiveness and breathing.


What should you include in an emergency kit?

Water, non-perishable food, flashlight, first aid kit, medications, battery-powered radio, extra batteries.


Who founded the American Red Cross?

Clara Barton.


How many seconds should you wash your hands to prevent illness?

 At least 20 seconds.


What is the most common volunteer activity for Red Cross volunteers?

 Blood drive coordination.


What should you do if someone is choking and can't speak?

Perform the Heimlich maneuver.


What’s the safest place to go during a tornado if you’re indoors?

A basement or an interior room without windows on the lowest floor.


In what year was the American Red Cross founded?



What is the universal sign that someone is choking?

Hands clutched to the throat.


How can you get involved in disaster relief as a volunteer?

Train in disaster preparedness and response, and assist with local emergency efforts.


What are the steps of CPR for an adult?

Check responsiveness, call 911, open airway, check breathing, start chest compressions.


What’s the most important thing to do before evacuating your home in an emergency?

Make sure all family members are accounted for and have a predetermined meeting spot.


Which global organization does the Red Cross belong to?

 The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.


How often should smoke alarms be tested?

Once a month.


What is the role of a Red Cross Youth Volunteer?

Participate in community service, organize events, and raise awareness for Red Cross initiatives.


How do you treat a minor burn?

Cool the burn under cool (not cold) water for at least 10 minutes, cover it with a clean, non-stick bandage.


What is the "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" technique used for?

To protect yourself during an earthquake.


What symbol does the Red Cross use during wartime to protect medical personnel?

 A red cross on a white background.


What is the proper technique for using an EpiPen during an allergic reaction?

 Inject the EpiPen into the outer thigh, hold for 10 seconds, and seek medical attention immediately.


How old do you need to be to volunteer with the Red Cross?

13 years old (with parental consent) for youth programs, 18+ for general volunteering.


What are the signs of a heart attack?

Chest pain, shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, discomfort in arms, back, neck, or jaw.


In case of evacuation, what documents should you bring with you?

 IDs, insurance papers, medical records, proof of address, emergency contacts.


How many Nobel Peace Prizes has the Red Cross won?

Three (in 1917, 1944, and 1963).


What is the recovery position, and when should you use it?

The recovery position involves laying a person on their side to keep their airway clear, used if the person is unconscious but breathing.


How can Red Cross Club members make an impact on global issues?

By fundraising, advocating, and participating in international humanitarian missions.