Historical Red Cross Dates
Historical Red Crossers
Lines of Service
Grab Bag
What a Character!

The American Red Cross was founded in the year.

What is 1881


Founder of the American Red Cross.

Who is Clara Barton


Line of Service which helps members of the military, veterans and their families prepare for, cope with, and respond to, the challenges of military service.

What is Service to the Armed Forces


These Red Cross workers were part of the Red Cross Supplemental Recreational Activities Overseas (SRAO) program and often handed out a special dessert to service members to offer comfort. They traveled by helicopter, truck and jeep to reach servicemen, and they too experienced the challenges and tragedies of war.

Who are the Donut Dollies


The name of our Chapter's Furry Friend mascot who helps promote Readiness.

Who is Ready Dog


The International Red Cross was founded at the Geneva Conventions in the year.

What is 1863


The founder of the Red Cross Movement that would later become the International Committees of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Who is Henry Dunant


An independent, neutral organization ensuring humanitarian protection and assistance for victims of armed conflict and other situations of violence.

What is the International Committees of the Red Cross (ICRC)


These popular collector items are often given to donors, volunteers and partners to signify an important event with the Red Cross and are regularly swapped by Red Crossers at events such as Disaster Response Operations or blood drives. 

What are Red Cross pins


Vampires would love him, the name of our beloved Blood Drop mascot is

Who is Buddy the Blood Drop


The American Red Cross received its first Congressional Charter in the year. 

What is 1900


The first African American to serve as acting president of the Red Cross in 1999. 

Who is Steve Bullock


In 1914, a newspaper reporter named Wilbert E. Longfellow  enlisted the participation of the Red Cross to ensure the success of his newly founded program and goal of, "waterproofing of America." On February 1, 1914, Longfellow began the Red Cross Water Safety program and established the Red Cross Lifesaving Corps. This program later became part of the Line of Service now called _____.

What is Training Services.


The name of the chapter that the Wichita office headquartered prior to becoming our current chapter name, South Central and Southeast Kansas.

What is the Midway Kansas Chapter


Happy little Red Cross animal who wears a helmet and helps teach kids about preparedness. In real life he is only about 2 feet tall!

Who is Pedro the Penguin


The first Red Cross Smartphone App was released in the year.

What is 2012


Superintendent of the Army Nurse Corps from 1909- 1912 and newly elected chairman of the new National Committee on Red Cross Nursing Service who created the plan for the first volunteer nursing unit of the American Red Cross.

Who is Jane Delano


Line of Service where volunteers make up 95% of the workforce and often travel across the county to serve clients in need. 

What is disaster cycle services


This organization is the only organization in the chapter to have their very own blood donation center on-site of their office!

Who is Spirit Aerosystems


Our newest member of the Red Cross learning curriculum, this character helps teach our newest program - Water Habits Are Learned Early, aka WHALE Tales.

Who is Longfellow the Whale


Red Cross begins its National Blood Program for civilians by opening its first collection center in Rochester, NY in the year.

What is 1948


African American surgeon, educator and scientist who laid the groundwork for today’s modern blood donation program through his innovative work in blood banking and he is well known for the introduction of bloodmobiles. He also became the first medical director for the American Red Cross in 1941 overseeing the newly created Blood Program.

Who is Dr. Charles R. Drew


Civil Air Patrol is know for making late night runs for this line of service, including airplane flights to transport crucial products!

What is Blood Services/Biomedical 


The Acronym MVCN stands for ______ which is a SAF program that offers peer-based support and services to connect those providing care to service members and veterans living with wounds, illnesses, injuries and/or aging. 

What is the Military and Veteran Caregiver Network  


Though not as well known, this newer mascot duo has videos available in American Sign Language on the American Red Cross website to help teach kids who are deaf or hard of hearing about home fire safety!

Who are Pepper (the puppy) and Kai (the Kitty).