Whose statue did archaeologists find in a tomb in Egypt?
In the Beginning God created __________ and __________.
Answer: Genesis 1:1
the heavens and the earth
The Israelites escaped from the Egyptians through the _____________.
Red Sea
How many tribes of Israel are there?
Jesus was born in the city of _____________.
What did God use to save Noah and his family?
An ark
I was deceived by a serpent.
After my brother Cain killed my other brother, my parents gave birth to me.
The Pontius Pilate Inscription is a stone slab that archeologists discovered in 1961 in Israel, and which contains the name of __________________________.
Pontius Pilate
For God so loved the world that ________________________, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
he gave his one and only Son
This event describes what God did during the first chapter of Genesis.
How many commandments did God give to Moses?
This city had massive walls that fell down when the Israelites marched around it 7 times.
A ___________brought Noah an olive tree branch
I helped the spies that Joshua sent.
This man betrayed Jesus.
The Great Isaiah Scroll is __________ years older than the oldest manuscripts that we had.
If you declare with your ___________ that Jesus is lord and believe in your ___________ that God raised him from the dead you will be saved
Romans 10:9
Mouth, heart
What did the Wise Men follow in order to locate Jesus?
The star
How many trees in the Garden of Eden did God tell Adam and Eve not to eat from?
Joseph was sold into slavery into this country.
What did Mary put Jesus in?
A manger
I was made from a rib
When I was 12 years old my parents accidently left me at our temple.
One person fulfilling just 8 prophecies is the equivalent of filling the state of __________ 2 ________ high with quarters and finding one marked with a red "X" while being ________________.
Texas, Feet, Blindfolded
This famous psalm says that the Lord is our Shephard.
Psalm 23
Daniel was thrown into what?
A lion's den
How many days after Jesus died did he resurrect?
During the census, Joseph and Mary traveled to _____________ to be registered.
This was used by the magi to find Jesus.
The star
I saved Moses from the Nile River as a baby.
Pharaoh' daughter
I became the leader of Israel after Moses died.
There are more manuscripts for the ______ then any other ancient text.
For all have ________ and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
This event is when Moses led the Israelites our of Egypt.
The Israelites marched around Jericho for _______ days.
This place was known as a place flowing with "milk" and "honey."
The Promised Land
What turned into a snake when Moses was trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go?
The staff of Moses
I was the wife of Abraham and had a child at a very old age
Sarah or Sarai
This man was a disciple of Jesus but denied him three times.
The tomb of ____________ was found in ____________. This is know because of large statue of a Israelite, with a multicolored coat.
Joseph and Egypt.
All of us have become like one who is __________, and all our righteous acts are like ________ rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away.
Unclean and filthy
During this event the whole earth was judged and only 8 people survived.
The flood
How many days did God create in the creation week?
6 days. (He created on 6 days and rested on the 7th.)
All believers will spend eternity here
Jesus was given a crown made of _________
I am the sister of Moses
This person turned water into wine.
This cylinder is a 9 inch clay cylinder that describes King Cyrus releasing the Jew to go back to their homelands to rebuild their temples.
Cyrus Cylinder
Your eyes saw my unformed __________; all the days ordained for me were ________ in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139:16
Body and written
The __________ enslaved the ____________ for 400 years.
The Egyptians and the Israelites or Hebrews
How many animals did Noah take on the ark?
The Bible says that Noah took two of every kind of animal, and seven pairs of the clean animals and flying creatures (Genesis 6:19, Genesis 7:2-3.)
God gave Moses the 10 commandments on ____________.
Mount Sinai
What did Jacob steal from his brother Esau?
His birthright and or the blessing from their dad
I'm the mother of John the Baptist and also the cousin of Mary.
When my hair is long I have super strength.
The Sennacherib Prism talks about how king Sennacherib trapped King Hezekiah in Jerusalem, like a bird in a _________.
For you ____________ my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:13
This is the name of the event that happened when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.
The fall
How old was Moses when God sent him back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites?
80 years old
Adam and Eve were kicked out of this place.
The Garden of Eden
What form did God take when he first spoke to Moses and told him to go to Egypt?
A burning bush
When my first husband died, I went with my mother in law back to Israel to live with her and her people, even though I was a Moabitess.
I walked on water but then sank.
The _________ reliefs show the fall of Lachish and were found in the palace of Sennacherib.
In this verse we are told that God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
This event led to the different languages coming into existence.
Tower of Babel
Hold old was Moses when he FIRST left Egypt?
4o years old
Jesus was crucified at a place called _____________.
What did Jesus get crucified on
A cross
I was a prophet and judge.
I got swallowed by a whale.
This man was a city treasurer and mentioned in the book of Romans. A paving stone was found with his name on it and saying that he was a city treasurer.
Let the ___________ of my mouth and the meditation of my ___________ be acceptable in your eyes, O Lord my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Words and heart
Shadrach Meshach and Abednego were thrown into what?
A fiery furnace
How many clean animals did Moses take on the ark?
0. Moses did not take any animals on the ark, it was Noah.
When the flood waters receded the ark rested on this mountain.
Mount Ararat
What did the Israelites use to carry the 10 commandments?
The Ark of the Covenant
A baby jumped inside of my stomach when Mary came near
I was the oldest person in the Bible.