Bizarre US History
Endangered Dialects
Movie Location
Resort Locations

She was the last reigning queen of Hawaii and reigned briefly from 1891 to her overthrowal by the US Marines in 1893 

Queen Liliʻuokalani


This dialect of French is often referred to as Paw-Paw French. It is critically endangered and may have passed away around 2015. It was brought to the new world in the 1690s by Jesuit missionaries. Hundreds of American locations were given to us by native speakers in the 18th and 19th century of this dialect. 

Missouri French 


The Gods Must Be Crazy is about a Khoisan tribesman encountering the modern world after seeing a coke bottle fall from the sky. He ends up in which major African country. 

South Africa


The Majority of Red Dragon members would belong to this Haplogroup 



This famous Indonesian island is known for its artistic population, Hindu culture, and surfing. 



Between 1638 and 1655 Sweden established a colony along which American river system?

Delaware River


This archaic dialect of Spanish is still spoken by 50,000 Sephardic Jews in Israel, Turkey, Greece, and Bosnia. They are descendants of Jews that were kicked out by the Alhambra Decree of 1492. Many linguists say the 90% of the language resembles Grenadan Spanish spoken at the time. 



The Mission (1986) features a Jesuit priest trying to proselyte to a remote Guarani tribe in which Latin American country? 



Amazonians and Melanesians have been shown to have DNA from what Paleolithic hominid group from Siberia? 



This Mexican seaside town is known for having the only pre-Hispanic ruins literally right on the beach. 



The Russians established this fort in 1812 and was the furthest outpost of the Russian empire. For the next generation America attempted to have a limited presence on the west coast of America. It is now in the vicinity of a town called Healdsburg. 

Fort Ross


When Hitler invaded the USSR he personally renamed a major town to Theoderichshafen. He claimed that for hundreds of years there were still intact speakers and that most of the region descended from Saxons and eastern Germanics. However, most historians believed that this dialect died out by roughly 1780. What dialect or language was he referring to?  



The 2010 movie The Way Back features Poles caught in the Gulag. They escape their imprisonment and immediately have to flee to what remote country before they can make it back to Poland?



Mitochondrial Haplogroup X is found in certain parts of the Near East (Turkey, Greece, and the Levant). Mysteriously a famous skull from the state of Washington that was discovered on the bank of the Columbia River in 1996 was tested to be part of Haplogroup X. The radio carbon dating is placed around 7000 BC. What's the name of this famous skull?

Kennewick Man 


A large volcano towers over the largest and most populated of the Canary Islands. It's actually taller than any of the islands on the Spanish mainland. Millions of visitors come ever year largely from Spain, the UK, and France. 



At about 10:30 on Sunday morning, July 21, 1918, the German submarine U-156 surfaced three miles off the eastern seaboard and began firing torpedoes and shells at an unarmed 140-foot-long tugboat called the Perth Amboy and four accompanying barges. However, this halfhearted invasion was immediately thwarted and all 32 men on the tugboat and barges were rescued and returned ashore to what US State?



When speakers of this dialect leave their home town on the Outer Banks they often get confused glances and questions about where they're from. The only people who don't notice anything too weird about it are those from other remote fishing villages in Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Many linguists say that it has preserved many traits of 17th century English. 

High Tider (Hoi Toider)

In the French 1962 classic mellow dramatic light comedy romance film Adieu Philippine, the main characters head to an enchanting Mediterranean island and have a car breakdown outside of the city of Ajaccio. What island were they on? 



Haplogroup J is the most prominent haplogroup in the Arab world. Somewhat unsurprisingly, around 2% of this Autronesian (Malayic) speaking Islamic ethnicity indigenous to Vietnam and Cambodia belong to this Haplogroup. What is this group? 

Cham (descendants of Champa Empire) 


This charming California seaside town lies directly south of the Monterrey Bay Aquarium. It's often considered a favorite by the quiet rich of the American elite. 



On July 5th, 1856 a group or prominent individuals from Mackinac island along with support from the state of Michigan scorched earth Beaver Island and assassinated the leader of a Great Lakes Pirate thalassocracy. 2,600 of his subjects were immediately homeless and retreated to Voree Wisconsin. Who was their leader? 

James Strang 


A large number of the outlet malls in Tuscany are run by overseas Chinese from Zhejiang province. They speak to each other in a way that no one else will understand. They speak an archaic and isolated version of Wu Chinese that is known to be the hardest Chinese dialect to learn. What is this language?



Anne Hathaway starred in the 2001 Disney feature the Other Side of Heaven. It takes place in a pacific islands monarchy with only 106,000 in its domain and a diaspora of 150,000. The most common female name there is Mohana which Disney later reused the Maori version of this name. 



This major native American tribe is culturally connected to the Anishinaabe and Algonquin people. There are still over 300,000 members of this tribe in both the United States and Canada with the highest concentration being in remote parts of Western Ontario. Among certain groups of the purest members of this tribe there is a 79% rate of R1B haplogroup. What tribe is this? 

The Ojibwe 


This Malaysian Island lies in between Phuket and Penang in the straits of Malacca. It's known for its mangrove forests, cable car, skybridge, and a devout Muslim population that doesn't necessarily like the 100,000's western tourists that flock its perfectly white soft as a petal beaches every year.  
