An important god who lives far to the north, whose name means Rising Mist; Pope helped his people to feel that this god is the one who linked the sun and the earth and wanted Indians to be themselves.
Who is Po-Se-Ye-Mo?
The first humans emerged from this opening.
What is the Sipapu?
Governor Otermin's office was in this place.
What is Bead Water or Santa Fe?
The first Spaniard to come into Pueblo land with a large group of people. He was an explorer looking for cities of gold.
Who is Francisco Coronado?
Catiti, Saca, Flat Nose, Tupatu, and Little Pot, along with Pope', helped to develop the plan for the revolt. They decided that wherever possible, they would seize these things from the Spanish.
What are Spanish horses and weapons?
The Spanish were told that these were pets, but in fact they were sacred animals to the Pueblo people? (name two)
What are eagles?
In Pope's home village of Grinding Stone, two ears of corn taken outside with a baby on the fourth day after birth represent these mothers of all the people.
What is White Corn Woman and Blue Corn Woman?
When it became too dangerous for Pope to stay in Grinding Stone, he went to this place to work on planning the revolution.
What is Red Willow (Taos)?
The year Coronado led his expedition into New Mexico.
What is 1539?
Pueblo people noticed that these people (who?), even though they acquired things from the Spanish, did not like the Spanish for this reason (what?), and might become allies.
Who were the Apache, and what was kidnapping their children to trade as slaves?
Pope' put this over his hand during ceremonies.
What is the paw of a brown bear?
After a child is born, visitors stand over the child and make scooping motions with both hands, and then throw what they have gathered far away to the west.
How do people symbolize through ritual that they are wishing the best possible kind of life for the infant?
Francisco Pacheco was a tuyo of this village who sided with his people.
What is Red Willow (Taos).
Po-pay was born about this time.
What is the year 1630?
Spreading of this misinformation helped the success of the revolt.
What are the rumors and lies such as the capital had fallen or all downriver is under Pueblo Indian control?
Pope' applied a thin trickle of this light colored substance onto the floor of his kiva as part of a dry painting.
What is cornmeal?
This group of people in a village protected the village from attack.
What is a War Society?
The Camino Real ran north - south between these two cities.
What are Mexico City and Santa Fe?
Juan offered Governor Otermin this object, and said that if the governor took it from his hands, it meant that he was choosing life and peace.
What is a white cross?
This caused the flood which delayed the supply caravan.
What is heavy snowfall over the winter and a long, cool spring and late, sudden snowmelt?
This is a magic number.
What is the number four?
The people in Grinding Stone were divided into these two groups.
What are the Winter People and the Summer People?
This place was divided. Some people supported the Spanish and some people did not.
What is Kick Flint (Isleta)?
Juan told Governor Otermin that if he took this object from his hands, it meant that the governor was choosing war and death.
What is a red cross?
In the months before the revolt, these objects were sent from village to village with messengers, such as multilingual traders, to help explain the plan.
What are painted deerskins?