How it all Started
Prescription Drugs
Illegal Drugs
During the last week of this month, people all over the country celebrate living a healthy lifestyle. What is this week called?
What is Red Ribbon Week?
Drugs that are given to you because you are sick are called _____________.
What are prescription drugs?
Causes fatigue, headaches, thirst, nausea and dizziness.
What is alcohol?
What do you do if someone offers you drugs?
What is Just Say NO?
These medicines are only safe when taken exactly as directed by a doctor, or as indicated on the packaging
What is Prescription drugs: Abusing prescription drugs for the first time before age 16 leads to a greater risk of dependence later in life.
During this month we celebrate Red Ribbon Week.
What is October?
Who is the person who writes a prescription for drugs when you are sick?
What is a doctor?
Alcohol affects the nervous system, including which body parts (a) kidneys and liver, (b) brain and spinal cord) or (c) Lymph nodes?
What is the brain and spinal cord: Effects include slurred speech, mental confusion and loss of muscle coordination
The most often used illegal drug in the United States.
What is Marijuana?
What is the theme for this year's Red Ribbon Week Campaign?
What is YOLO. You Only Live Once. Be Drug-Free?
The first Red Ribbon Week celebration took place in what state?
What is California?
Taking another person's prescription drugs can be _______.
What is dangerous?
Small doses help suppress coughing, but larger doses can cause fever, confusion, impaired judgment, blurred vision, dizziness, paranoia, excessive sweating, slurred speech, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure,
What are cough medicines?
To drink alcohol you must be at least ____ years old.
What is 21?
A fun activity or something you like to do instead of doing drugs is a ________.
What is a hobby? or What is a natural high?
This man inspired the first Red Ribbon Week Celebration. He was a DEA agent killed during a drug bust.
Who is Kiki Camarena?
What do you do if someone offers you drugs or alcohol?
What is Just Say No?
Elevates heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and body temperature. This drug is a stimulant that affects the central nervous system, giving users a quick, intense feeling of power and energy.
What is cocaine?
People who use illegal drugs are breaking the law and could go to ________.
What is jail?
The # of chemicals found in cigarettes : 40, 400 or 4000
What is 4,000. There are over 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke and at least 69 of those chemicals are known to cause cancer
This woman, who was the First Lady of the United States at the time, helped start Red Ribbon Week.
Who is Nancy Reagan?
Millions people use this type of prescription drug, but misuse of the drugs may cause addiction.
What are pain killers?
Swallowed or snorted, these drugs hit users with a fast high, making them feel powerful, alert, and energized.
What are amphetamines?
These drugs are often abused by athletes to promote muscle growth, enhance athletic or other physical performance, and improve physical appearance.
What are steroids?
The legal age to purchase cigarettes, dip, snuf and cigars is?
What is 18?