Map Scales
Measuring Point-to-Point
Measuring Along a Route
Pace Counting

This term refers to the ratio of a map's distance to the actual ground distance, such as 1:50,000.

What is scale?


To measure straight-line distance, you lay this along the two points.

What is the edge of a piece of paper?


To start measuring along a route, you first mark this point.

What is point A?


Two steps equal one of these in the pace counting method

What is a pace?


On a map with a 1:50,000 scale, this is how far 1 cm on the map represents on the ground.

What is 500 meters?


These two marks must be made on the paper before aligning it under the scale bar.

What are the start (A) and finish (B) points?


When following a curving road, you pivot this to stay aligned with the route.

What is the paper?


This is the average number of paces an adult takes to cover 100 meters.

What is 60–70 paces?


The scale of a map is typically found in these two locations.

What are the top and bottom of the map?


To calculate the total distance, you add these two values from the scale bar.

What are the number of thousands from B and subdivided thousands near A?


To complete the process, you mark this point on both the paper and the map.

What is point B?


To determine your pace number, you walk this measured distance several times

What is 100 meters?


The scale bar on a map is measured in this unit of measurement.

What are meters?


This is the next step if the total distance exceeds 5,000 meters

What is measuring the first 5,000 meters, marking it, and repeating for the rest?


This is used to calculate the total distance after marking the route on paper.

What is the scale bar?


Pace counting is most useful for this type of activity.

What is navigation?


If the scale is 1:50,000 and the map distance is 10 cm, this is the ground distance.

What is 5,000 meters (or 5 km)?


The paper is placed here to measure distances using the map's scale bar.

What is under the scale bar?


This many marks must be made when measuring a route with two curves.

What are three (one for each curve and one for the endpoint)?


This must be done to calculate your individual pace number accurately

What is averaging multiple trials?