Define MOOD
A three letter description of the types of categorical statements it contains when arranged in standard order
Identify the conclusion:
No street legal vehicles are stock cars. Thus no racing car is street legal, since all stock cars are racing cars
Thus no racing car is street legal
A set of statements, one of which appears to be implied or supported by the others
No M are P
All M are S
No S are P
Fallacy of an illicit minor
A number from 1 to 4 identifying the placement of the middle term of a syllogism
Provide the converse of:
No dogs eat chocolate
No chocolate eaters are dogs
A syllogism consisting of three statements in categorical form
Categorical Syllogism
Some M are not P
All S are M
No S are P
Fallacy of an undistributed middle
A representation of a syllogism that has its statements in standard order with standard abbreviations of its terms
Convert to standard obverse form:
Every good boy deserves fudge
No fudge deservers are bad boys
A statement that can be inferred directly from another statement
Immediate Inference
Fallacy of a negative premise and a positive conclusion
The set of all terms not included in the given term
Identify the middle term:
Some pagans are idolaters, because no pagans are Christians, and no Christians are idolaters
Obverse, Converse, Obverse
A term that, within a statement, refers to all members of its category
Some non-Christians are not non-friendly neighbours
Some friendly neighbours are not Christians
A syllogism of the same form as the original, but with obviously true premises and an obviously false conclusion
Counter Example
Latin for
After this, therefore because of this
Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc