Coping Skills
Recovery Management

Name one grounding technique you can use when feeling overwhelmed.

Take a few deep breaths, box breathing, acceptance, focus on your feet touching the ground, and use the 5-4-3-2-1 technique, labeling your emotions.


How can radical acceptance help you navigate tough family dynamics during the holidays?

By letting go of fighting reality, you free up energy to focus on what you can control—your actions and responses. Sometimes, it can be helpful to expect that things are the way they are and not have an expectation that they will change.


What is the term for frozen rain that forms small ice pellets?



What is one food or drink that helps you feel grounded?

Anything cozy! 


What is a coping skill you can use when experiencing cravings?

Call a friend, label the feeling, go for a walk, distract yourself with an activity, HALT, go to a meeting, journal, or drink a glass of water


Describe the 5-4-3-2-1 technique.

It’s a grounding exercise: Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. It works by calming your nervous system by engaging in your senses. 


What does the acronym “PLEASE” stand for, and why is it important?

Physical health, eating, avoiding mood-altering substances, sleep, and exercise. It helps regulate emotions. Each component plays a crucial role in regulating emotions because our physical well-being significantly affects our emotional state.


What is Frosty the Snowman’s nose made of?

A button 


How many sides does every snowflake have?



What is a “trigger,” and how can you identify one?

A trigger is something that brings up intense emotions and may lead to you wanting to use it. You can identify it by noticing patterns—like specific people, places, or feelings.


What are three self-care activities you can do to reduce stress during the holidays?

Set boundaries, listen to music, make a snack, go for walks, continue to be connected with friends, plan, schedule down time, having coping skills, share your feelings, journal, etc


In DBT, what is the goal of the 'Wise Mind' skill?

To balance your logical and emotional minds to make thoughtful decisions. It helps us remember that we must have a balance of both emotions and logic to make effective decisions. 


What is the name of the main villain in The Nightmare Before Christmas?

Oogie Boogie


Name a holiday-specific trigger for substance use.

Family conflicts, financial stress, overstimulating environments, parties with alcohol, or holiday stress


Name a support resource you can reach out to during the holidays.

Sponsor, a recovery hotline, 988, email therapist, reach out to groups, reach out to friends or family


Explain how deep breathing can help manage anxiety and name a type of breathing exercise

Deep breathing slows your heart rate and calms your nervous system. It is a physical way to communicate with your body that you are safe. One example is box breathing: inhale for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4.


What are the four modules of DBT

Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, Distress Tolerance, and Interpersonal Effectiveness.


What is the name of the phenomenon when the northern hemisphere is tilted furthest from the sun?

Winter Solstice.


If you were teaching someone the 'Opposite Action' skill, what would you say?

Do the opposite of your emotion-driven urge. For example, if you feel like isolating, reach out to a friend... even if it feels like the last thing you want to do 


What’s a boundary you can set to protect your recovery?

Politely decline events where you know alcohol or drugs will be present, or let friends know you don’t want to talk about certain topics


What is one physical activity that can help reduce cravings?

Taking a brisk walk, stretching, humming, or dancing (all effective ways to regulate our nervous system) 


What does the acronym "TIPP" stand for, and how does it help?

Temperature, Intense exercise, Paced breathing, and Progressive muscle relaxation. It helps calm intense emotions quickly


What does the acronym HALT stand for, and why is it helpful during the holidays?

HALT stands for Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired. It’s a tool for self-awareness, helping you identify basic needs that might impact your emotional state. During the holidays, HALT is especially helpful because the season often comes with added stress, social pressures, and disruptions to routines. Checking in with HALT allows you to pause, recognize if one of these needs is unmet, and address it before emotions escalate or cravings arise.


What does 'Check the Facts' mean, and how can it stop unhelpful thoughts?

It’s about separating feelings from facts to reduce emotional reactions. For example, asking, 'Is this actually true?' 


Explain the difference between a lapse and a relapse.

A lapse is a one-time slip; a relapse is returning to old patterns. A lapse is a learning opportunity, not a failure!