The place with sand.
What is Tatoonie?
This country was a major instigator (stirred up trouble) of WWI by encouraging countries like Austria-Hungary and Mexico to attack other countries.
What did Germany do?
He inspired communism
Who was Karl Marx?
This sexy green beast is from a 2001 Dreamworks movie.
Who is Shrek?
Mr. Krabs & Plankton, not getting along swimmingly.
What is SpongeBob SquarePants?
This character trained two Skywalkers.
Who is Obi-Wan Kenobi?
This organization was started at the end of WWI in an effort to maintain world peace.
What was League of Nations?
A painter who never got in to university.
Who was Hitler
This cow does not give very precise answers.
What is the perhaps meme?
"That's no blizzard. That's my sister"
What is Frozen?
Palpatine's first apprentice.
Who is Darth Maul?
World War 1 was officially ended with the signing of this treaty.
What is Treaty of Versailles?
He was the Second Founder of Hungary.
Who was Béla IV?
The button do you press to pay respects
What is F?
Candace, who spends all her time trying to expose the tinkering of her brothers
What is Phineas and Ferb?
Anakin was his slave.
Who is Watto?
The sinking of the Lusitania (ship) and the interception of the Zimmerman telegraph were all reasons this country decided to join the war.
Why did United States of America join?
He had a son with Cleopatra.
Who was Ceasar?
This meme is a single letter accompanying a deep fried image of Lord Farquaad.
What is E?
"A lie keeps growing and growing until it's as plain as the nose on your face".
What is Pinocchio?
Dagobah it was.
Where did Yoda die?
Before WWI began many European countries rushed to colonize and take over countries on this continent. (Imperialism)
What did the do with Africa?
He was the father of "Communist China"
Who was Mao Zedong?
This meme is named after the time period of it's main character. Many times it will have captions such as "Holy Music Stops/Begins".
What are crusade memes?
"I shall call him Squishy & he shall be mine. & he shall be my Squishy. come here, Squishy"
What is Finding Nemo?