Christological Passages
Divine Titles of Jesus
The Trinity
Random Christ Trivia

There were over 500 people who witnessed this event concerning Jesus. Without this event happening Christians are to be the most pitied of people 

What is the Resurrection?


This passage of Scripture in the NT calls Jesus King of kings...

What is Revelation 19:11–16?


This word means master...

What is Lord?


Polytheism means...

What is believing in more than one god?


This human experience by Jesus is mentioned in the shortest verse of the Bible...

What is weeping (John 11:35)?


This event marked the end of the first coming of Christ

What is the Ascension?


This passage of Scripture in the NT tells about the humility of Christ and what occurred at the Incarnation

What is Philippians 2:6–11?


This title makes Jesus equal with the Father and is used by Peter when asked the question "But who do you say that I am?" by Jesus

What is the Son of God?


This word means that God is one person that appears in three different forms or modes.

What is modalism?


The Geneology of Jesus in Matthew points to Jesus being the rightful Heir to...

What is the throne of David? 


Christology is...

What is the study of the person and work of Jesus Christ?


This passage in the OT prophets speaks of the suffering servant who is the Messiah

What is Isaiah 52:12–53:12?


The title that we most often think of when we think of Jesus and the title means to be deity.

What is God?


This word is never mentioned in the Bible and is mysterious but Scripture speaks of it and we must believe it by faith...

What is the Trinity?


Only these two Gospels give us the birth account of Jesus..

What is the Gospel of Matthew and Luke?


The Virgin Birth is...

What is the miraculous act where Jesus Chrsit was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the virgin Mary resulting in the Second Person of the Trinity being joined eternally to a real human body and nature."


This passage of Scripture in the NT speaks of Jesus being Creator and eternal as He was with God in the beginning

What is John 1:1?


This title of Jesus means first and last, it also happens to be the first and last letter of the greek alphabet 

What is the Alpha and Omega?


If you deny the Trinity you cannot be a...

What is a Christian?


This book of the Bible emphasizes the humanity of Jesus more than any other book of the Bible...

What is the book of Hebrews? 


The Hypostatic Union refers to...

What is Jesus having two natures in one person?


This passage of Scripture in the OT prophesies that Jesus would be the Prophet to come

What is Deuteronomy 18:18–22? 


This title is the one Jesus refers to himself the most with, it fulfillment of Daniel 7:12–14, it further evidence of the humanity of Jesus

What is the Son of Man?


Name the three Members of the Trinity and a passage that lists all three in the save passage..

Who is the Father, the Son, and the Spirit? 

What is Matthew 3:16–17; Matthew 28:19; John 14:16–18; Romans 15:30; Ephesians 2:18


These statements by Jesus are used in the Gospel of John to show that Jesus is God

What are the 7 I Am statements?