tú - ducharse
te duchas
yo - levantarse
me levanto
yo - vestirse (e to i)
me visto
to fall asleep
What is the grammatical name of the -se that we attach to the end of verbs?
Reflexive pronoun
nosotros - bañarse
nos bañamos
Luis y Juan - prepararse
se preparan
Carlos y Juan - despertarse (e to ie)
se despiertan
to wake up
True or False: Reflexive verbs are used when the agent performing a verb receives the action of the verb.
yo - afeitarse
me afeito
la amiga - vestirse (e to i)
se viste
Ana - acostarse (o to ue)
se acuesta
to get up
True or False: When you do something to someone or something else, like giving a dog a bath, this IS an example of reflexive verbs.
ella - despertarse
se despierta
Miguel y yo - acostarse (o:ue)
nos acostamos
mis amigos - levantarse
se levantan
to brush one's teeth
cepillarse los dientes
After conjugating a reflexive verb, where do you place the reflexive pronoun?
In front of the verb / In the front
nosotros - dormirse
nos dormimos
ellas - maquillarse
se maquillan
tú - vestirse (e to i)
te vistes
to go to bed
You remove the 'se' and identify the correct reflexive pronoun you need to use. What step comes next?
Conjugate the verb