This group wanted slavery to end immediately as opposed to ending more gradually.
Who were the abolitionists?
The anti-slavery movement allowed women to get experience with these skills. (List 2)
What is leadership, organization, writing, and public speaking.
This is where many temperance activists believed a man's money should go instead of the saloon.
What is to the family?
This leader is known as one of the most iconic women's rights activists and initially began her career as a temperance activist. She's also known as the main force behind the New York's Married Woman's Property Law.
Who was Susan B. Anthony?
This movement led to decreased drinking and a more negative social stigma around drinking.
What was the temperance movement?
This group wanted slavery to end slowly rather than immediately.
What was the free soil party?
This is where the first convention on women's rights was held.
Where is Seneca Falls, New York?
These were often printed in newspapers and had the purpose of persuading many not to drink?
What were political cartoons?
This women's rights activist is most well known for her "Ain't I a Woman?" speech.
Who was Sojourner Truth?
This movement stemmed from discrimination against women in the anti-slavery movement.
What was the women's rights movement?
This was a secret network that helped enslaved people to escape to the North and Canada.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This was the only right that wasn't widely accepted during the Seneca Falls Convention.
What is women's suffrage or women's rights?
This future U.S. President was involved in the temperance movement and claimed that America's victory would never come until there were no drunkards or slaves.
Who was Abe Lincoln?
This temperance activist was most well known for carrying a hatchet and destroying saloons.
Who was Carrie Nation?
This compromise allowed this state to enter the union as a slave state whilst allowing Maine to join as a free state.
What was the Missouri Compromise?
The South is thought to have lost this many enslaved people as a result of the Underground Railroad.
What is an estimated 100,000 enslaved people?
These two speakers are well-known for giving impassioned speeches defending women's suffrage.
Who were Fredrick Douglass and Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
The temperance movement often used this tactic to persuade people to stop drinking.
What is moral suasion?
This women's rights activist had a dream of holding the first convention for women's rights.
Who was Elizabeth Cady Stanton?
This event held in London in 1840 led to the Women's Rights Movement.
What was the World Anti-Slavery Convention?
This abolitionist was sentenced to 20 public lashings for carrying abolitionist reading material.
Who was Amos Dresser?
The Declaration of Sentiments very closely mirrored that of the Declaration of Independence. One of the biggest changes was adding this line.
What is "and women"?
By 1830, the average American over 15 drank this many gallons of pure alcohol a year.
What is 7 gallons?
This preacher was inspired by the Second Great Awakening and was Harriet Beecher Stowe's father.
Who was Lyman Beecher?
This movement is seen as the religious revival in the United States and lasted from 1795-1835.
What was the Second Great Awakening?