This invention allowed people to write on the issues of the Church and led to a general rise of education
Martin Luther went to school originally to be this profession
A Lawyer
Luther was called to the Edict of Worms before which two historical figures
Pope Leo X
HRE Emperor Charles V
This was the name of the meeting of Catholics from 1545-1553 to try to reform the church
Council of Trent
The 30 years was began on this date after the Defenestration of Prague
This philosophy emphasized humans' ability to reason and improve themselves while blending themes and teachings of the Bible.
Christian Humanism
This is the Latin turn to describe "Faith Alone"
Sola Fide
This was the military league that was formed after Luther was excommunicated that would defend Lutheran interestes
Schmalkaldic League
This council of Trent reaffirmed which two acts
Good works, indulgences
There were this many phases of the 30 years war. What were they?
4. Bohemian, Danish, Swedish, French
This early reformer believed Christianity should show people how to lead good lives, instead of simply how they could be saved.
These were the two sets of years that Luther posted his 95 Theses and when he was excommunicated at the Edict of Worms
1517, 1521
This was the treaty that stated "The Ruler of the land determines the Religion of the Land" (Date too please)
Peace of Augsburg (1555)
He was the man the created the Catholic Jesuit movement, which preached education, self-mastery through discipline, and obedience
Ignatius de Loyola
The War transitioned from a war based on religion to a war based on politics, when these two countries joined
Sweden, France.
This man built on the ideas of John Wycliff, underscoring the need to not rely on priests and popes, but was burnt at the stake in 1415
Jon Hus
Luther condemned this social movement of people rising up from serfdom as it would hurt his relationship with German princes
The Peasant Revolt
This new protestant religion built of ideas of Lutheranism, but incorporated predestination too
These were two orders of nunneries that stemmed from the Jesuit movement
Ursuline and Carmelite orders
France joined the war based on politics because....
They hated the Habsburgs and the HRE more than they hated Protestantism
Name each of the complaints against the Catholic Church leading up to the Reformation and describe briefly (4)
These were the only two sacraments Luther sought to keep from Catholicism
Baptism and Communion (Eucharist)
After creating the Anglican Church through parlainemt, Henry the VIII made himself the head of the establishment through this act
Act of Supremacy 1534
Open answer: Why was the counter-reformation important
answers may vary
This was the treaty that allowed the reaffirming of the peace of augsburg and an end to religious war in 1648
Peace of Westphalia