What was the first protestant religion?
What were indulgences?
Pieces of paper sold to members of the Catholic church that were said to ‘erase’ your sins
Who was Martin Luther?
German professor that wrote the 95 thesis
Was Southern Europe more Protestant or Catholic?
It was more Catholic
Who started the Protestant Reformation?
Martin Luther
Any version of Christianity that is NOT Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox is called a?
Protestant religion
A protest against the Roman Catholic church that led to the creation of many branches of Christianity was called?
The Protestant Reformation
What was Lutheranism?
The first Protestant religion made by Martin Luther
What part of Europe was Protestant?
Northern Europe
What did the Protestant Reformation ultimately create?
More religious freedom and more religions to follow
Who created Calvinism and what religion was it similar to?
John Calvin and Lutherism
What were the two major beliefs of the Anabaptists?
Free will and adult baptism
How did people worship in Martin Luther’s church?
Reading the bible and singing worship songs
What happened during the Catholic Reformation?
The church was losing members and decided to change
Who was king Henry VIII’s first wife?
Catherine of Aragon
What was Anglicanism?
Protestant religion created by Henry VII in England
What were the Ninety-Five Theses
Martin Luther's arguments against the church
What sacraments did Martin Luther agree with?
Baptism and Communion
What was one thing the council of Trent did not keep?
The selling of indulgences
What is predestination?
Its determined if you will get into heaven or not before birth
This protestant religion believed in free will and adult baptism, instead of baptism only at birth
What was the Council of Trent’s job?
To decide what to keep and what not to keep in the Catholic church
How did Martin Luther believe you got into heaven?
Only faith
Why did King Henry VIII split from the catholic church?
So he could divorce his wife
Religion similar to Catholosim that was created by King Henry