The name for the series of revivals that swept the US during the Antebellum period, emphasizing equality and emotion, was called the
Second Great Awakening
Dorothea Dix is associated with this reform movement:
Asylum Movement
The movement to end slavery is called
Controversial plant pants
Revivals were sometimes referred to by this term
Camp Meetings
Many reformers were also nativist, which means:
disliking foreigners, preferring the native born
Group that wanted to send enslaved and free black people to Africa
American Colonization Society
Some of the new churches of this period:
(there are more)
The idea that woman's purpose was to be a wife and mother only
Cult of True Womanhood/Cult of Domesticity
Identify three prominent abolitionists
Answers will vary:
Grimke Sisters
Which part of the Second Great Awakening was really "in tents"?
Camp Meetings
(in tents/intense) (it's still funny)
New religious group that was pushed out to present day Utah
Identify three first wave feminists
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucretia Mott
Susan B. Anthony
Name of Frederick Douglass' newspaper
The North Star
Feminism + Apple Sauce =
Lucretia Mott
Area of New York where many revivals occurred and spread from
"Burned Over" District
Term for a prison meant to reform instead of punish
The formal term for freeing a slave (NOT the term for ending slavery as a whole)
When you hit snooze again after waking up
Second Great Awakening