How should you enter the classroom?
If I give you a worksheet, what are you expected to do with it?
Finish it and turn it in.
What should you do if you have a question or comment?
Raise your hand
When is an assignment due?
At the end of paw time the next day
Who is responsible for keeping track of their assignments?
You are!
How much time do you have to use the bathroom and get a drink at the beginning of class?
2 minutes
If you don't have a pencil, what should you do?
Borrow one from my extras at the beginning of class.
How do you show you need to use the bathroom?
Raise hand with 1 finger
What should you do with your assignment when you are done with it?
Turn it into the correct tray
If you are wanting to know if you have missing work, what do you do?
Check missing work page on the bulletin board.
Where should you be after the 2 minute timer is up at the beginning of class?
Sitting quietly at your desk
How many sharpened pencils should you have at the beginning of classes?
How do you show you need a drink?
Raise hand with 2 fingers
If you lost your assignment, what should you do?
Look for it in your desk, locker, backpack.... and then look in the extra papers bin to find another one.
When is it ok to come to my desk?
Only after asking and it is necessary
When do you line up to leave class?
When I say it's time to line up
If you use any of my supplies, where should it be when you are done with it?
When do you use the bathroom or get a drink?
At the beginning or end of class unless it's an emergency
What should you do when you are finished with your assignment? (2)
Turn it in and find something else to work on quietly or read a book
When you are sitting at someone else's desk, what should you remember?
Don't touch their stuff
What are 3 things to do before leaving class?
Clean up, push in your chair, and walk to get in line quietly.
What should you bring to Science class? (5)
Science notebook, Science folder, pencil, homework, book
What should you do before getting out of your seat?
Raise your hand and ask
Where should you keep assignments/homework?
In your folder
When is it ok to get answers from a classmate?
When working in a group, eyes on your own paper