There are _______ number of books are in the Bible.
What is 66?
The original name for Refuge Church
What is Texas Grand Chapel?
Ryan Gosling.
Who is Jake?
Was in ______ branch of the military.
What is the Coast Guard?
Lance hates _______.
What is Cheerios (or Emma Davies b/c she likes cheerios)?
The book that comes after Acts
What is Romans?
The first place the church had service
What is Pastor Steve's living room?
___ gives the meanest swirlys.
Only shoots ______ shots in basketball.
What is 3pts?
Lance graduated college at _______.
Sam Houston State University
The Holy Spirit convicts you of _____.
What is Righteousness?
First summer camp we attended as youth.
What is Alto Frio Baptist Encampment?
Luke Combs.
Who is Brian Jones?
"Favorite" condiment
What is mayo?
Lance got a tattoo of _____ the night before his wedding.
What is a scooter?
The testimony of _______ is the spirit of prophecy.
Who is Jesus?
There _____ number of toilets in the building.
what is 17 (15 and 2 urinals)?
The best gaga ball player.
Who is not a single one of you?
Pastor Steve has undiagnosed ______.
What is CDO (OCD is acceptable)?
Chicken strips or nuggets?
Chicken Strips.
The instrument David played for King Saul.
What is a Lyre (Harp)?
The two original youth kids.
Who are Tony & Tyler?
The bus broke down on the way to camp in what year?
What is 2022?
Pastor Steve plays _______ (instrument).
What is the radio?
Lance was born in ______. (location)
What is Panama City Beach, FL