Quality Assurance
Contract Codes
RS Programs
Populations Served
General Questions

When enrolling a client into Spanish WEG, what platforms must hold that client's enrollment information?

Refugee Management System (RMS), ClientTrack (CT), and SharePoint (client folder)



Base Refugee Health Promotion

A program, designed to prevent isolation, build community, and equip women with the information or skills they need to thrive in their new lives. Women from Afghanistan, Spanish, and Arabic speaking nations are supported by the program. 

Women's Empowerment Program


A noncitizen who is granted asylum in the United States and is protected from being returned to their home country.



What is the first thing that every staff member should do at the start of their day? 

Update Simple In/Out


What two fields are mandatory to fill out, for quality assurance purposes, when requesting a Lyft?

Internal Note and Contract Number



Afghan Refugee Health Promotion


Program provides monthly cash payments for up to 12 months from the date you become eligible for assistance. This assistance is income-based (meaning you must fall within certain income limits to qualify) and employment-based (meaning you must agree to participate with our employment program to receive the assistance).  

Refugee Cash Assistance


Certain Cuban and _____ nationals who are neither refugees nor asylees may be eligible for ORR funded refugee assistance programs. Eligible individuals, as defined below, include parolees, asylum applicants, and others who have been placed into removal proceedings.  

Haitian Entrants


How much does it cost to run a volunteer background check?



What two types of arrival status are can a client be labeled to be enrolled in an IMGH program?

R&P and Walk-In



Social Adjustment Services

This program is a long-term intensive case management program that works with vulnerable clients such as elderly without family, those with disabilities chronic health conditions, unaccompanied minors, clients in LGBTQ, client facing mental health issues, victims of torture & or violence and much more

Preferred Communities - Intensive Case Management (PC ICM)


A person of mixed American and Asian descent. especially : one fathered by an American and especially an American serviceman in Asia.



What email do you use to submit a rental request for a client? 


Name 3 types of folders that could potentially included in a client's case file.

Eligibility, Intake, Legal, Case Note, Additional Documents, Applications



Reception and Placement

This program helps refugees and other ORR-eligible populations overcome barriers and quickly find jobs. The intent is for refugees to become financially independent in four to six months after arriving in the U.S. without accessing cash assistance programs.

Match Grant


(A) has no lawful immigration status in the United States; (B) has not attained 18 years of age; and (C) with respect to whom— (i) there is no parent or legal guardian in the United States; or (ii) no parent or legal guardian in the United States is available to provide care and physical custody.

Unaccompanied Refugee Minors


What 3 organizations currently fund all RS programs, not including donations? 

Texas Office for Refugees (TXOR), Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM), U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)


An Non-Spanish speaking R&P case worker is unable to assist their Cuban client and refers the client to traditional SAS, as the client is in need of connecting to a PCP. What are the next steps for the SAS team?

The SAS team rejects the referral to risk a duplication of services. R&P must assist the client for 90 days before referring the client to SAS.



Match Grant

This program helps connect clients with educational resources during the resettlement process. The program is designed to help clients complete fast-track certificate programs with eligible institutions. This program is a good fit for those looking to continue their education, continue working in their field, or those wanting to start something new.

Vocational Training


Clients are eligible for services through Special Immigrant Visa status from what two countries? 

Iraq and Afghanistan


What are 3 programs that EMM funds at IMGH? 

R&P, Match Grant, PC ICM/PC GAPS