Been returned unpaid
what is a Re-Deposited Item hold
Case by Case hold is ?
Next Business day for next day items.
225 Next business day & the rest on the 2nd business day for Other Checks.
Checks cannot be held longer than the quick reference guide?
Our BSA Officer?
Who is Scott McQueen
Checks over $5,525.00
what is a Large Deposit Hold
A Exception Hold is ?
7 business days
Wire,ACH,Direct Deposits can be held under reg cc?
Funds from those are to be released immediatley.
Our Mortgage loan officer?
Who is Jodie Johnson
Less than 30 days old
What is a New Account Hold?
We send hold Paperwork to Payment Origination?
Compliance handles the Reg CC Holds.
Current CD Rates?
13 month- 4.20%APY
27 month- 3.75%APY
We paid their NSF's 6 Banking days during the past 6 months
what is a Repeat Overdraft Hold
Large Deposit Hold is ?
$5,525.00 next business day and the rest on the 7th business day for the next day item checks.
All Other Checks are:
$225 next business day
$5300 2nd business day
the rest on 7th business day
The president of the bank?
Who is John Waldron
Known Facts
Stale Dated
What is a Reasonable Cause Hold
New Account Hold is ?
Next day items- $5,525 next business day.The rest on the 9th business day.
Other Check- 11th Business day
(No 225 Next Business day.)
Reg CC applies to savings accounts also?
Not covered but the bank treats them the same as a exception hold.
Our Business loan officer?
Who is Gabe Alvez