Regenerate Campaign

Fill in the blank: We envision a __% clean renewable energy future and a future without ____ in our state.

We envision a 100% clean renewable energy future and a future without gas plants in our state.


What does CPUC stand for?

California Public Utilities Commission


What does CEC stand for?

California Energy Commission


What does CAISO stand for? 

California Independent System Operator


What does LADWP stand for? 

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power


Name a Regenerate campaign win? 

- CPUC ordered electricity providers to build 11,500 megawatts (MW) of new zero-emission electricity resources to come online between 2023-2026.

-CARB adopts climate plan including a 30 MMT greenhouse gas emissions goal by 2035 in their Scoping Plan.


What does the CPUC do? 

Regulate privately owned utilities, set utility rates, protect consumers


What does the CEC do?

Certify power plants, prepare for energy emergencies, plan for the mix of energy resources


What does CAISO do? 

Manage the flow of electricity across power lines; identify grid expansion needs


What does LADWP do? 

Provide water and power to the city of Los Angeles, set an example for other public utilities


Who are the organizations who are part of the the Regenerate Coalition?

CEJA, CAUSE, CCAEJ, CBE and Sierra Club


Why do we work on the IRP (Integrated Resource Plan) 

because it’s how our government decides where our electricity comes from


Fill in the blank: California's average summer peak demand is __ gigawatts (GW) of energy

38 gigawatts (GW) of energy

True or False; CIASO is a state agency that makes decisions about transmission planning. 

False: CAISO is a nonprofit public benefit corporation, and not a state agency. The Transmission Planning Process essentially looks at the state of our California power grid, ensures that it can provide reliable power


The Strategic Long-term Resource Plan is  LADWP's version of the IRP, SB 100 or monitoring transmission lines? 

The Strategic Long-term Resource Plan is LADWP's version of the CPUC’s IRP or Integrated Resource Plan


What date is Regenerate going to speak to CEC this month?

Wednesday, August 14th at 10am


Name one demand we have for the CPUC

Don’t allow CA to buy gas to meet energy demand

Ensure CA buys local renewables that will replace gas-fired power plants in EJ communities


Name one demand we have for the CEC

Include social costs and non-energy benefits in decisions about energy resources

Retire all gas plants, don’t just use them less

Prioritize local solutions such as rooftop solar and exclude polluting resources like hydrogen


Name one demand we have for CAISO 

Plan transmission that reduces our reliance on gas plants, especially in EJ communities

Tie offshore wind energy to gas plant retirements

Maximize the grid we already have before building new expensive transmission lines


Name one demand we have for LADWP

Comply with LA’s 100% clean energy goals

Don’t burn hydrogen at gas plants in EJ communities

Prioritize clean alternatives over hydrogen