Age of Absolutism
The Enlightenment/French Revolution
Industrial Revolution
Nationalism / Imperialism
World Wars / Russian Revolution

The belief that the right to rule comes from God

What is Divine Right?


In his book defending the power of government, Thomas Hobbes likened government to _________, a giant sea creature that devours ships to impose its will

What is a Leviathan?


The Industrial Revolution began in this country, due to their abundance of coal and iron

What is Great Britain?


A policy of extending a country's power and influence through military force.

What is Imperialism?


World War I started due to 5 main reasons. Militarism, Alliances, Nationalism, Imperialism and the Assassination of this man

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


A king or queen who has ALL of the power

What is an Absolute Monarch?


The Enlightenment era idea by Montesquieu that there should be 3 branches of Government; Judicial, Executive and Legislative

What is Separation of Powers?


The economic system that thinks government should not interfere with the economy of a country

What is Capitalism/Laissez-Faire?


Identification with one's own nation and support for its interests, especially to the exclusion or detriment of the interests of other nations

What is Nationalism?


The 1st premier and founder of the Soviet Union, who turned the USSR into a communist country after the Bolsheviks won the Russian Civil War

Who is Vladimir Lenin?


An absolute monarch from Russia, who made many changes to modernize the country and expanded borders.

Who is Peter the Great?


The people of France revolted against the monarchy because of inequality of taxes. Which group in France were the most poor, but had to pay all of the taxes?

What is the Third Estate?


Type of economic system created that opposes capitalism and its inequalities; end the struggle between the bourgeoisie (middle class) & the (working class), and create a classless society.  This is called____________.

What is Communism?


The Indian nationalist who opposed British colonial rule in India through the use of peace, nonviolence and hunger strikes

Who is Gandhi?


This event, which will "live in infamy", ended the United States position of neutrality, and forced us into WWII

What is Pearl Harbor?


This man led Parliament (Roundheads) against the King (Cavaliers) in the English Civil War. He ordered the execution of King Charles I, and later himself was beheaded. His head was then put on a spike in England for all to see, and his severed head was later stolen. 

Who is Oliver Cromwell?


The period of the French Revolution led by Maximillian Robbespierre that resulted in thousands of executions via the guillotine, in particular the beheading of King Louis XIV and Marie Antoinette.

What is the Reign of Terror?


People start moving into cities in a process called___________.

What is urbanization?


Britain's imperialism of China led to a trade imbalance. China had to offer tea, silk, and porcelain. Britain only had this, which led to a war between the two countries.

What is Opium?


MC: “Stalin Solidifies Power for Communists” “Adolf Hitler Declares Third Reich” “Mussolini Establishes Fascist State”

What is a common characteristic of the political systems represented in these headlines?

(1) multinationalism (2) humanitarianism (3) capitalism (4) totalitarianism

(4) Totalitarianism

The body of government in England that was founded to rival the monarchy, and was in favor of citizens rights; the lawmaking body of government

What is Parliament?


The list of reforms created by Napoleon Bonaparte in 1804 which reflected Enlightenment principles

What is the Napoleonic Code?


During the Industrial Revolution, new farming methods and technology in the early 1700's led to increased crop production and a steady supply of food, during the ________ Revolution    

What is the Agricultural Revolution?


The occupation, division, and colonization of African territory by European powers during the period of New Imperialism

What is the Scramble for Africa?


This treaty forced the Germans to take responsibility for WWI, forced them to pay large war reparations, and limited the amount of soldiers they were allowed to have in their military. It angered a young Adolf Hitler, and is one of the reasons he rose to power.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?