
Draw the electric field between two oppositely charged conducting spheres?


An item whose mass is 100 kg would weight how much on the surface of the Earth?

What is 981 Newtons?


The period of a wave with frequency of 100 Hertz.

What is 0.01 second?


The diagram below shows a ray of monochromatic light incident on a boundary between air and glass.

 Which ray best represents the path of the reflected and refracted light ray? 

A - Reflected

D - Refracted 


A 3.00-kilogram mass is thrown vertically upward with an initial speed of 9.80 meters per second. What is the maximum height this object will reach? [Neglect friction.]

4.90 m


When two point charges of magnitude q1 and q2 are separated by a distance, r, the magnitude of the electrostatic force between them is F. What would be the magnitude of the electrostatic force between point charges 2q1 and 4q2 when separated by a distance of 2r?



Two 20.-newton forces act concurrently on an object. What angle between these forces will produce a resultant force with the greatest magnitude?

0 Degrees


The wavelength of radiation in a vacuum with frequency 4.1 x 1015 Hertz.

What is 7.3 x 10-8 meter?


What is the charge of an object that is attracted to a negatively charged balloon?

What is positive or neutral?


A vertical spring has a spring constant of 100. newtons per meter. When an object is attached to the bottom of the spring, the spring changes from its unstretched length of 0.50 meter to a length of 0.65 meter. The magnitude of the weight of the attached object is

 15 N


The current in a wire is 4.0 amperes. The time required for 2.5 × 1019 electrons to pass a certain point in the wire is

1.0 second


The frictional force needed to accelerate a 1000.-kg vehicle from rest on a dry, level asphalt road.

What is 8339 Newtons?


The time it takes for an emitted sound wave at STP to travel to its target and return to the detector if the target is 50. meters away.

What is 0.30 seconds?


The magnitude of the force on an electron due to an electric field of 3.68 x 106 Newtons per Coulomb.

What is 5.89 x 10-13 Newtons?


The graph below represents the relationship between the force exerted on an elevator and the distance the elevator is lifted. 

How much total work is done by the force in lifting the elevator from 0.0 m to 9.0 m?

1.5 × 105 J


A photon is emitted as the electron in a hydrogen atom drops from the n = 5 energy level directly to the n = 3 energy level. What is the energy of the emitted photon?

0.97 eV


The height of a tower from which a dropped metal ball falls for 3.4 seconds before hitting the ground.

What is 57 meters?


How much work is required to move an electron through a potential difference of 3.00 volts?

4.80 × 10–19 J


The equivalent resistance of 3 resistors in parallel with the following values: 1 ohm, 2 ohms, and 2 ohms.

What is 0.5 ohms?


An electric motor has a rating of 4.0 × 102 watts. How much time will it take for this motor to lift a 50.-kilogram mass a vertical distance of 8.0 meters? [Assume 100% efficiency.]

9.8 s


A 8.0-kilogram cart moving to the right at 4.0 meters per second about 40 to make a head-on collision with a 4.0-kilogram cart moving to the left at 6.0 meters per second.

After the collision, the 4.0-kilogram cart moves to the right at 3.0 meters per second. What is the velocity of the 8.0-kilogram cart after the collision?

0.50 m/s left


The maximum velocity of a 1500.-kg car turning with a radius of 10 meters on a wet concrete road.

What is 7.54 meters per second?


A blue-light photon has a wavelength of 4.80 × 10−7 meter. What is the energy of the photon?

4.14 × 10−19 J


A ray of yellow light ( f = 5.09 × 1014 Hz) travels at a speed of 2.04 × 108 meters per second in what medium?

Glycerol or Corn Oil


A compressed spring in a toy is used to launch a 5.00-gram ball. If the ball leaves the toy with an initial horizontal speed of 5.00 meters per second, the minimum amount of potential energy stored in the compressed spring was ?

0.0625 J