How many regents exams are offered by NYS?
How many proctors should be in the room at all times?
True or false - English Language Learners and Students with Disabilities get endless time for the exams
False (ELLs receive 1.5x and SWD receive 1.5x or 2.0x)
What writing utensil should be used on the answer sheet, test booklet, and essay booklet?
True or false: you can help a student if they are struggling with a question
False - if you help a student, their exam will be invalidated and they will receive no score
Will students have a chance to check in their phones and devices when they arrive to school for their exams?
Can proctors be on their phones, Chromebooks, reading a book, etc. during the exams?
No - unless it's for an emergency
True or False - English Language Learners can use bilingual dictionaries for their exams
False - they have bilingual glossaries and receive translated version of the exam (except for ELA)
When students finish their exams, what must they do before you collect it?
sign the declaration!
If a student has a phone or device on them an the exam already started, do you let them finish the exam after our collect the device?
Yes! Collect the device and notify administration but let them finish the exam (allows for all due process outcomes)
What time do proctors need to meet in the office for the daily meeting before proctoring an exam?
7:50 am (morning exam) & 11:40 am (afternoon exam)
True or False - if you are proctoring in the gym, you will not have to worry about any testing accommodations for students
False - students testing in the gym may still receive testing accommodations
What are three writing utensils students CANNOT use on the regents?
pencil (except on specified graphs), gel pens, markers
True or False: You can grade your student's exams as long as you promise to be as objective as possible.
False - you cannot grade your student's exams
What is the state mandated entry times for the morning and afternoon exams?
10:00 am & 2:00 pm
What two things do proctors do after all students in the room finish the exam?
If you are proctoring in an extended time room and you need to leave (restroom break or leave for the day at/after contractual time), what should you do?
What three things should you do before collecting an exam from a student?
make sure it's been at least 2 hours, check that all questions are answered/attempted, have the student sign the declaration
True - these will be located in the main office
List the required exams to graduate.
Living Environment (or Earth Science), Algebra I, Global, US, ELA
If there is an issue with a student (behavior, phone use, etc.) what should you do?
Try to minimize distraction for others and call administration
If a student refuses accommodations, what should the proctor do?
Have the student complete an accommodations refusal form (only applies for test read, word processor, etc.)
If you proctor students who receive accommodations, what should you do when they finish and turn in their assignment?
bubble in the accommodations used in the appropriate space on the back of the answer sheet (note: separate columns for ELL and SWD accommodations)
List 3 reasons an exam may be invalidated
(need 3 of the following)
- a student uses a device during the exam
-a proctor helps a student during the exam
-a student does not sign the declaration
-a student leaves the exam before the 2 hour minimum