Commitment Log

What form do I need to add a new vendor?

AP152! (make sure ALL fields are completed by the vendor!) 


Who do parks submit travel vouchers to?

Robert Williams


True or False: Your parks SAS can be customized to fit your parks needs including adding tabs for Concessions and MR projects.

True! You can even re-order the columns but we recommend you have a backup version before attempting.


Which of these items should NOT be on your commitment log?
a. Utilities
b. Internet Service
c. Fuel
d. Trash Service

d. Trash Service – It is a contracted service, and the funds are encumbered in a PO.


Who do I contact at the Regional Office if I have a question about personnel management (hiring, offers, separations etc.)?

Judy Alsobrook (RAS)


What is the max allotment for Footwear Reimbursement?



What is the standard peridium for the first and last day of an overnight trip?



What is the monthly deadline to update your Hourly Workbook?

By the 15th if every month! 


How many staff members in the park should be able to reconcile the commitment log?

Two! One primary and one backup reconciler.


Who enters the budget codes for Minor Repair POs?

The regional purchasers! (not the park unless explicitly told to do so)


What is the single transaction limit for a Pcard purchase?

$1999.99! The monthly limit is $5,000.00


What is the max amount you can receive from a day trip reimbursement?



At minimum how often do I need to refresh & review SAS?

Once per month!


What is the monthly deadline to update your Commitment Log as stated on the Reporting Checklist?

By the 10th of every month! (but reconciling once a week is recommended) 


How many hours per week is one (1) FTE?

40 Hours per week. Anything less is a fraction of an FTE.  

# of hrs scheduled p/wk X 52 weeks = # hrs p yr;

# hrs p yr / 2080 = 0.# (this is your FTE fraction)


In order to use a Voyager card to pay for Bulk Fuel, what does your bulk tank need to have?

Your bulk tank must have its own property # (and the Voyager Card MUST be assigned to that tank/property #)


Can you claim meal related incidentals? (foil, napkins, utensils)



When an Hourly employee separates from a position do you delete the line in your workbook?

No! Contact your RAS to have a new line in your workbook added for the replacement. Never delete past records.


You expected a payment to appear on your SAS report but nothing has come through yet. What do you do? 

Contact your Regional Office for assistance! Reach out to your RAS (Judy) for budget questions. We are here to help you! 


What day of the month are hourly timesheets required to be entered AND approved by?

By the 2nd business day of the month.


For an Internal Repair related to plumbing, what are the required attachments needed for the PO? (name at least 6/8)

1. SAM Search xx.xx.xx (with date)
2. Vendor Hold xx.xx.xx (w/ date)
3. VPTS Search xx.xx.xx (w/ date)
4. Debarred/Divestment xx.xx.xx (w/ date)
5. Vendor COI – if they will step foot on SP property
6. Vendor TDLR licenses
7. CMBL Search for vendors in your immediate area
8. PRD, signed by Superintendent or designee


To be reimbursed for a day trip, how long do you have to be gone from your assigned HQ?

6 hours


What is NOT required to be reconciled monthly?
a. Commitment Log
b. Budget Workbook
c. SAS
d. Hourly Workbook 

b. Budget Workbook. This is entirely optional!  


When an expense appears on the SAS report, and it is less than the amount we listed on the CL, what do we do?

Check it off the commitment log! No need to change the amount.

Park A requested extra rack cards to be shipped from Park B via FedEx. Which park covers the cost of shipping? 

Park A, the requesting park always covers the cost unless the requester is Austin HQ.