What are ethnic religions?
Religions that are closely tied to a specific ethnic group, culture, or geographic location.
what are universalizing religions?
Religions that aim to appeal to people of all races, ethnicities, cultures, and geographic locations.
What is the Cultural Hearth?
The term for the central region in which a religion or culture spreads from
What is a dominant culture?
a set of values, beliefs, and symbols that are upheld by the most powerful people in a society
Is Western culture dominant or traditional?
How is Ethnic religion spread?
it is often spread through cultural exchange and migration, rather than religious conversion
How is universalizing religion spread?
it is often spread through religious conversion
What is one good thing about globalization?
Easier communication etc.
What is globalization?
the process of increasing connection between countries through
What is diffusion?
The spread of ideas or norms from a high concentration to a lower (spread out) concentration
What is one ethnic religion?
Shintoism, Hinduism, Judaism etc
what is one universalizing religion?
Christianity, Islam, Buddhism etc
What is one Ethnic religion?
Hinduism, Judaism, Shinto etc.
What is one bad thing about globalization?
Loss of diversity etc.
What other subject does the term diffusion belong to?
what is exploitation?
Taking advantage of the use of another's resources or ideas for one's own benefit
What is religious conversion?
the process of adopting a new religious identity, or changing from one to another
What would be another term you could call the Levant region?
Cultural Hearth
What is commercializing culture?
turning culture into something that can be purchased/sold
If a religion is linked to a specific language, would it be considered universalizing or ethnic?
What is a religious sect?
a subgroup of a larger religion, political, or philosophical belief system
How did Islam spread?
vastly through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries
In which region (can name one or two specific current day countries) is the Levant located?
Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine
How do tradition and cultural practices help to preserve one's identity?
providing a sense of continuity and belonging/ preserving heritage
Western fast food chains in foreign countries, western fashion etc.