Name the capital city of Ontario.
What is the largest physical region in Canada?
The Canadian Shield.
Name one primary industry in Canada.
Farming, fishing, or mining.
What body of water lies to the north of Canada?
Arctic Ocean.
Where in Canada could you find polar bears and sea ice?
How many provinces does Canada have?
What physical region is known for its rolling hills and is located in PEI, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Nova Scotia?
Appalachian Region.
What is the main industry in Prince Edward Island?
Agriculture (potato farming).
Which direction would you travel from Ontario to Manitoba?
What is the warmest region in Canada?
The southern provinces, such as British Columbia and Ontario.
What is the difference between a province and a territory?
Provinces have their own governments; territories are governed by the federal government.
Which region has the Great Lakes and fertile soil perfect for farming?
Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands.
What does the tertiary industry focus on?
Services like healthcare, banking, and transportation.
Name one of the Great Lakes.
Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, or Superior.
Why do the Appalachian Region’s coastal areas have a mild climate?
The nearby ocean absorbs heat and keeps temperatures moderate.
Which province is famous for its French-speaking culture?
What is a tundra, and where can it be found in Canada?
A treeless area with permanently frozen soil, found in the Arctic.
What is an example of a quaternary industry?
Research and development or media.
What is the westernmost province in Canada?
British Columbia.
What is the main challenge of farming in the Hudson Bay Lowlands?
Wet soil and a short growing season.
Which province is called the "Breadbasket of Canada"?
Name three of the seven physical regions of Canada.
Cordillera, Interior Plains, Canadian Shield, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Lowlands, Appalachian Region, Arctic.
Why is the fishing industry important to the Atlantic provinces?
They are surrounded by the ocean, providing rich fishing grounds.
What are intermediate directions, and give an example?
Directions like northeast (NE), northwest (NW), southeast (SE), and southwest (SW).
Name one way people in the Arctic adapt to the cold climate.
Wearing warm clothing, using snowmobiles, or building insulated homes.