Do you live in MP?
You wanna sign up for what?
Got Room?
Where does this call go?
I have NO clue...
At the desk phone, how do you transfer a call to voicemail?
press the VM transfer key, enter VM number, and press pound.
How often should Registration staff log onto to process the email there?
You should log on multiple times per shift.
Where can you find the list of organizations that are not charged for meeting room fees?
It is in the flip file under Mtg. Room Fee Guidelines.
Where do you transfer a caller who wants to sign up for the Best Sellers Club?
Fic/AV/Teen desk.
On nights and weekends, who is the point person at the desk in an emergency?
The person at the attendant is the point person.
What type of picture ID is necessary to get a library card?
A picture ID is not necessary to get a library card. One piece of ID with a current Mount Prospect address and one other ID with the applicants name are needed.
How would you respond to a non-resident patron who wants a copy of the Preview mailed to them?
Explain that we don't do that, but that the Preview is available on our website under "About Us". If they don't use the internet, they can pick up a copy in our lobby.
True or False: Meeting rooms may not be scheduled more than one year in advance and may not be scheduled more than once a month by the same group.
It's a Super Saturday and patrons are lined up six deep at the desk. How do you keep the phones from driving you nuts?
Put the attendant on Day 2.
Jo, Jan and Betty are all out of the office, and a call comes in for Marilyn. What do you do?
Ask who is calling, park the call, and call Marilyn to see how she would like the call handled. If she is not in, ask the caller if they would like her voicemail, or if someone else could help them.
Where can you locate the list of library agency codes for the state of Illinois?
ILL Library Barcode List on the Registration Intranet page
What is an easy way to find all the computer classes on the Events calendar?
Open the Search Slider, uncheck all boxes, scroll down and click Computer Programs, then click Find.
Where does the original and three copies of the meeting room rental forms go?
The Registration manager gets the original forms. One copy each goes to the renter, meeting room binder, and Building Services (Bill Miklautsch).
When a caller asks for HR, where do you transfer them?
Transfer them to the job line.
A patron comes in stating that Friedrich's Funeral Home sent them a letter saying a book was donated in their deceased relative's name. Where can they see the book?
The Reference Desk can show them the book.
What is the altID for a patron named Jeremy Lu, born September 17. What is the ID for his twin sister Jade?
Jeremy's altID is 0917Lu99J, Jade's is 0917Lu99J0.
True or False: A help sheet for a Youth program that says "please make reminder calls for all people signed up" indicates that we call patrons with an email address.
False. The program coordinator must specify in writing that we call attendees with an email address.
What is the best way to find out if a specific meeting room is being used on a specific date?
Use the internal calendar on the intranet. Uncheck All, choose the desired room, and click refresh.
How do you transfer a call directly to voicemail from a desk phone?
While on the call, press the Voicemail Transfer key, enter the voicemail number, then press pound (#).
It's 5:10 pm on a weeknight, and a patron reports kids skateboarding under the Library. Who do you notify?
Notify an in-charge person. Security doesn't come in until 5:30pm.
What documents are necessary to obtain a business card?
The applicant needs a current tax bill and letterhead with the names of authorized account users from a Mount Prospect business.
In the registration email, how do you process an undeliverable email from Horizon (material coming due or overdue material)?
Copy the patrons name and paste it in Borrower/Borrower Name Keyword. Cut the email address out and paste it in the Borrower Notes field: joe@ not deliverable. ao 8/2/10. Save the record, then add a block/comment: NO CHECKOUT - please send patron to Reg to update email. Then delete the returned email.
A non-profit organization needs to meet one of these requirements to rent a meeting room.
It must be based in Mount Prospect, and/or have a significant number of Mount Prospect participants.
What information goes in the weekend opening announcements?
The time, staff birthdays, and in-charge staff.
What is the procedure for giving a vending machine refund?
Fill out the Vending Refund Request form. Enter the amount into the cash register, press "Copier Refund", put the form in the drawer and give the patron their refund. Do not use the "Refund" key on the register.