what template did we use for the unit during regression
what is Desmos!
what is the correlation other than moderate and weak
what is strong
what is the correlation measurement we used
what is y1~mx1+b
what does "r" stand for
where do you find r2
what is desmos
what other template was used during critical value
what is excel
what is it called when their is a relationship between the variables appear on the line
what is linear
what does no significant negative correlation stand for
left-tailed test
what does "p" stand for
what is population correlation coefficient
what is r2 mean
what is explained variation
what other template did we use for graphs like desmos
what is geogebra!
what is it called when their is a relationship that seems to be curved
what is nonlinear
what does two no significant correlation mean
two-tailed test
what does "a" stand for
what is level of significant
what is multiple regression
what is models that contain more than one independent variable are multiple regression models
what does the excel do
what is collect critical values and standardizing test statistics
what is the correlation other than weak, moderate, strong, and negative
what is positive
what does positive correlation mean
right-tailed test
what does "n" stand for
what is number of data points
what is the multiple regression equation
what is y1~b+m1x1+m2x2+m3x3
what does desmos do
what is graph the data points
r is always between 1 and what
what is -1
what does Ha mean
alternative hypothesis
what does equation stand for
do you use x in desmos for multiple regression
what is use y1