A verb that expresses_______ or a state of being
What does Antworten mean?
To answer
What does braten mean?
To roast
Did we learn Regular or Irregular Vebas first?
When a turns to ä, Which word will fall under that category?
- Lassen= To leave
- Empfehlen=Recommend
What is the correct way to conjugate a word (Hint: Tell what action you will do to make it proper before you conjugate)
Drop the en at the end of the verb
What does besuchen mean?
To visit
What does fangen mean?
To catch
What is Frau‘s favorite animal?
When e changes to i which word falls under that category?
-Lesen= To read
- Essen= To eat
Essen= to eat
What does Kommen mean?
To come
What does wiederholen mean?
To repeat
What does lassen mean?
To leave
Who is the german exchange student that we met?
When au changes to äu which word falls under that category?
-Laufen= Run
-Sehen= to sleep
Translate the following: He lives in New Oxford
Er wohnt in New Oxford
What does machen mean?
To do
What does schlafen mean?
To sleep
What does empfehlen mean?
When e turns to ie which word falls into that category?
-Empfehlen= recommend
-Geben= To give
Add the appropriate endings to the stem to match the subject:
What does verstehen mean?
To understand
What does vergessen mean?
To forget
Who was the first person to get student of the month in german class?