I am waiting.
He's visiting.
Il rend visite.
We're losing!
Nous perdons.
You're chewing.
Vous mordez.
They are answering.
Elles répondent.
I am answering.
Je réponds.
He defends.
Il défend.
We're answering.
Nous répondons.
You're waiting.
Vous attendez.
They're chewing.
Elles mordent.
I'm losing the game.
Je perds le match.
He's returning the book.
Il rend le livre.
Nous hear the music.
Nous entendons la musique.
You're melting the ice cream.
Vous fondez la glace.
They're defending their friend.
Elles défendent leur ami.
I'm going down the stairs.
Je descends les escaliers.
He's waiting for his friend.
Il attend son ami.
We are turning in (returning) our homework.
Nous rendons nos devoirs.
You're selling some chocolate?
Vous vendez du chocolat?
They're losing the game.
Elles perdent le jeu.
I can sell sandwiches.
Je peux vendre les sandwichs.
He can hang the TV.
Il peut pendre la télé.
We are going to visit our grandparents.
Nous allons rendre visite à nos grands-parents.
You can get out (down) of the car.
Vous pouvez descendre la voiture.
They can hear the teacher
Elles peuvent entendre le prof.