Name the device that can be used for picking up dropped items
These people are responsible for administering your medications, wound treatments, conduct daily wellness assessments, and much more.
What is the shape and color of the button you press for help?
Round and red
What time is discharge?
Typically in the AM between 10-11 am.
Activities of Daily Living
Sturdy, handrail-like safety device that is primarily installed on walls or near toilets and bathtubs to provide additional support
Grab bar
These individuals oversee all of your care plan, manage your medications, collaborate with other providers for your needs, and are the ultimate decision makers for your care.
Doctor (PM & R)
Describe 1 way you can improve your medication safety and adherence.
pill box, alarms, schedule and plan medication times, etc.
Who can you talk to about knowing which medications you need before going home?
Ankle Foot Orthotic
A mechanical device used to lift people, especially those with disabilities, up and down stairs.
Stair lift/ Stair glide
These individuals do not administer your medications, but assist with all of your other daily needs.
PCT (patient care technician)
Where is the #1 place for falls in the home?
1: stairs, 2nd: bathroom
Describe three ways you can help collaborate with your care team for your discharge planning
Open answers accepted but must have 3!
Nothing by Mouth. Stems from the latin term "nil per os"
Tool used to facilitate the closing of buttoned shirts, gloves or other clothing
Button Hook
This person assists with your transition out of the hospital, helping with paperwork regarding your coverage, job leave, handicap placard, and transition to other facilities as needed. They can also help coordinate access to community resources such as transportation and access to meals.
Case Manager
What is the common “title” or assistance level provided when you are free to do things by yourself in your room.
Mod I (Modified Independent)
How is your discharge date determined?
Through interprofessional weekly meetings.
non-weight bearing
List 3 things you can do to your home to make it safer
Remove floor rugs, add railings, add grab bars, use a shower chair/tub transfer bench, bed cane, reduce clutter, improve lighting/use nightlights, install recommended DME, widen doorways, modifying the toilet with a riser or safety frame, antiskid mats or strips, etc.
This team prepares you to restore your cognition, return to self cares, swallow, mobility and more. You spend 3 hours a day with this team. Must name all 3. Extra 100 points if you define each profession.
Occupational, Physical, and speech therapy.
List the three items you should have with you before you transfer with assistance
Grip socks (or footwear), gait belt, and assistive device.
Name 3 things you (and your family) should know (or have) before you discharge
Medication prescriptions, follow up appointments, equipment, family training completed, etc.
E- Eyes
F- Face
A- Arm