12 Steps
Cognitive Distortions
Prevention Strategies
Defense Mechanisms
You can call or meet this person to help you work the 12 steps.
What is a sponsor?
If you are in recovery from alcohol use, it is probably smart to stay away from this type of beverage serving establishment.
What are bars?
This is the term for seeing things in polar opposites (ie. good and bad, right and wrong).
What is black and white thinking?
This term means shifting your focus on something else in order to pay less attention to a certain situation.
What is distraction?
This is a term meaning "an inability to acknowledge reality." And it has nothing to do with the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.
What is denial?
They say this is the only step you must work perfectly.
What is Step 1?
It is said that if you stay in a barbershop long enough, you're bound to get this
What is a haircut?
This is the term for believing the absolute worst case scenario is going to happen.
What is catastrophizing?
This usually involves rhythmic inhalation and exhalation that i can lower feelings of worry and anxiety.
What is deep breathing?
This is a defense mechanism that attempts to excuse behaviors by pronouncing them free of guilt and blame.
What is justification?
Go to this place every time they meet to be involved in service (ie. making coffee, chairing meetings, clean time countdown).
What is a home group?
These 'nouns' can really wreak havoc on an otherwise strong program of recovery.
What are people, places, and things?
This is a term for exaggerating the negatives, risk, or actuality of a situation. You can find both of these in a spring field.
What is making mountains out of molehills.
This strategy involves putting off impulsive behaviors for a defined period of time.
What is delaying?
This is an attempt to excuse behaviors by using big words and a superior attitude. I'm sure this happens all the time in MENSA.
What is intellectualization?
You must make sure you dial these rather than file them?
What are phone numbers?
You may realize that you are doing this when you see that you're spending a lot of time alone and getting "stuck in your own head."
What is isolating?
This demanding helping verb is especially harmful as it can set unrealistic expectations on others and ourselves.
What is should?
You can go to these to be around people who share a similar interest and desire for recovery.
What are 12-step meetings?
This involves putting your own insecurities, feelings, and behaviors on someone else.
What is projection?
It is said that the therapeutic value of one addict helping another is without this.
What is parallel?
This is a colloquial term for the back row of 12-step meetings (ie. Denial Aisle).
What is relapse row?
This involves drawing conclusions or general rules on based on a few incidents. It is similar to concept of stereotyping.
What are overgeneralizations?
Some people recommend placing your shoes under your bed so that when you wake in the morning you remember to do this.
What is pray?
These are the terms for the two different arguments or stances that must be satisfied by utilizing defense mechanisms.
What are the ego and the id?