True or False
Relapse Prevention
Movie/TV Trivia

High-risk people, places, things, and/or feelings that cause thoughts to want to use.

What are Triggers?


A return to substance use after a period of not using substances.

What is Relapse?


Relapse is an event, not a process.

What is False?


These are the 5 stages of change.

What are pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance? Relapse is considered the 6th stage of change.

If an individual remains in mental relapse long enough without the necessary coping skills, they are more likely to return to substance use to escape their turmoil.


This day is known as Star Wars day.

What is May 4th?


Events, places, things, or specific times that you associate with substance use.

What are External Triggers?


Three symptoms of PAWS

(Answers Vary)

What are - mood swings; anxiety; irritability; difficulty concentrating; sleep disruptions; restlessness; difficulty tolerating discomfort


Relapse only refers to individuals who struggle with substance use.

What is False?


Avoiding Triggers and Thought Stopping are examples of...

What are Relapse Prevention Techniques?


This actor plays Michael Scott in 'The Office'.

Who is Steve Carell?


An emotional state that might be experience before, during, or after substance use.

What are Internal Triggers?


Unhelpful thought patterns that make us feel bad (such as black or white thinking, disqualifying the positive, catastrophizing, or jumping to conclusions).

What are Cognitive Distortions?


Redefining fun is an important skill for relapse prevention.

What is True?


Often regarded as the best way way to manage triggers that involves staying away from specific places, things, and/or people that lead to using thoughts.

What is Avoiding Triggers?


This hit TV series is based in the town of Hawking, Indiana.

What is Stranger Things?


Triggers that relate to the sense of sign, sound, smell, taste, and touch.

What are Sensory Triggers?


Three signs of Mental Relapse

Answers Vary

Cravings; thinking about people, places, and things associated with past use; minimizing consequences of past use/glamorizing; bargaining; lying; thinking of schemes to better control using; looking for relapse opportunities; planning a relapse


Relapse begins weeks and sometimes months before an individual picks up a susbtance.

What is true?

Relapse encompasses 3 stages: emotional, mental, and physical. It is a process that happens over time


A helpful acronym to identify lack of self-care.

What is HALT?

Hungry; Angry; Lonely; Tired

For some, self-care is as basic as sleep, hygiene, and a healthy diet. For most, it also involves emotional self-care.


Ron Burgundy's signature sign-off in the movie "Anchorman".

What is "Stay Classy, San Diego"?


Two ways to defuse triggers.

(Answers Vary)

Identify Triggers; Avoid Triggers; Interrupt Triggers; Thought-Stopping Techniques


Three signs of Emotional Relapse

Answers Vary

Bottling up emotions; Isolating; Not going to meetings; Going to meetings but not sharing; Focusing on others; Poor eating and sleeping habits


Relapse prevention is saying 'no' just before you are about to use.

What is False?

Saying 'no' is the final and most difficult stage to stop.


List 5 healthy coping skills.

Answers Vary

Ex: Exercise, Journaling, Meditation, Deep Breathing, Going to a Meeting, Calling a Support, etc.


This movie, released in 1973, was the first Disney film to be in color.

What is Snow White?