Coping Skills
True or False

12-Step Meetings such as AA, NA, Al-Anon; SMART Recovery, Celebrate Recovery, and Regeneration are examples of ________ groups.

What is support.


Give 3 examples of external triggers.

What are people, places, and things. Can be pretty much anything.


SIGNS that people often ignore which in hindsight could have prevented a relapse, an abusive relationship, etc. (Begins with a color)

What are Red Flags?


Being thankful for things that you do have. Often counselors will ask you to make a list of these daily to help improve your overall health.

What are things we are grateful for?


True or False: It is possible to have withdrawal symptoms for up to two years after you stop using drugs or alcohol. 

What is True. Bonus points if you can tell us the name of the phenomenon. 


IOP stands for _____________ outpatient program. 

What is Intensive.


"What fires together wires together" is an example of _______________. One of the terms we hope that you will become very familiar with in outpatient. Your brain is malleable and changes with what you repeatedly do or think.

What is Neuroplasticity.


Two common types (categories) of triggers are External and __________. 

What are internal triggers?


Being OK with life on life's terms; willing to tolerate any situation. 

"_______" is the answer to all my problems today.

What is Acceptance?


Physical activity that can improve sleep, increase energy, reduce stress and anxiety, improve well-being, and increase mental alertness. 

What is exercise?


True or False: Testing yourself by going to the liquor store, by hanging out with people using drugs or alcohol, etc. is a good way to make you stronger. 

 What is False


Holding onto anger and refusing to forgive someone for a wrongdoing is called _____________. 

What is Resentment.


___________ Skills. These are the methods used to tolerate and deal with difficult or stressful situations.

What are coping skills?

This brain chemical is responsible for motivation, craving, feeling pleasure...

What is dopamine?


Some people use emotions to make their decisions while others use logic or reason. DBT _____-MIND, uses a little of each. 

What is Wise.


Diaphragmatic breathing is breathing from the __________, not the chest. 

What is belly?


True or False: Having a using dream about using drugs or alcohol means that you are destined to relapse. 

What is False.


A type of meditation led by an expert to take you  through the basic steps of your meditation practice.  

What is guided meditation?


Name two areas of your life that are important for healthy life-balance. Ex. Physical

What is physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, education, and vocation.


How many minutes does a craving typically last?

What is seven to nine minutes.

A mental state focusing awareness on the present moment; calmly acknowledging and accepting feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.

What is Mindfulness?


A practice using techniques – such as mindfulness – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm, and stable state.

What is meditation?


True or False: It is best to keep using thoughts, dreams,  cravings, to yourself because talking about them will make them worse.

What is False


Recite the Serenity Prayer

God give me the SERENITY to accept the things I cannot change, the COURAGE to change the things I can, and the WISDOM to know the difference.


The stage of change in which people work to prevent relapse and continue the progress made during the action stage. This stage extends from six months to an indeterminate period past the initial action stage. Stage one is precontemplation, stage two is contemplation, stage three is preparation, stage four is action, stage five is ______________.

What is the Maintenance stage?


What emotional state is the most common responsible for relapse? 

What is positive. 


The opposite of pride. 

What is Humility?


You should "H.A.L.T." when you feel triggered, and check for these feelings. 

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired?


True or False: The odds of maintaining sobriety are the same for people who willingly go to rehab as they are for people who are court-ordered to go to rehab. 

What is True


The term CBT stands for ___________?

What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.