Relapse Prevention
True or False
What Can You Do?
Movie/TV Trivia

What is the definition of Relapse? 

What is a return to drinking or drug use after a period of not drinking or using?


What are high-risk people, places, things, and feelings that cause thoughts to want to use? 

What is Triggers? 


True or False: Relapse only refers to individuals who struggle with substance abuse issues.

What is False?


What can you do to manage your cravings?

What is... (Answers may vary)?

EX: Distract yourself, Write down what you are feeling, to track the craving and situation in which it occurred to notice patterns, Remember cravings are temporary, Remove all alcohol, drugs and paraphenalia from your home. 

What American Sitcom had the theme song with the phrase "Thank you for being a friend"?

What is The Golden Girls?


What does the process of addiction involve? 

(1) compulsion to drink or use drugs, (2) a loss of control over drinking or drug use, and (3) continued drinking or drug use despite negative consequences.


What is an emotional state that you might experience before, during, or after drinking and drug use?

What is an Internal Trigger? 


True or False; Recovery requires more than willpower.

What is True? 

Recovery requires lifestyle changes


List 5 Healthy Coping Skills

What is... (Answers may vary)? 

EX: Exercise, Journaling, Mediation, Deep Breathing, Etc.


What are the names of the three Lord of the Rings movies?

What is The Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers, and The Return of the King?


Avoiding Triggers and Thought-Stopping are both considered what? 

What is Relapse Prevention Techniques? 


What are events, places, things, or specific times that you associate with drinking and drug use?

What is External Triggers? 


True or False: Relapse is a process, it's not an event.

What is True?


How could you handle a relapse? 

What is... (answers may vary)?

EX: use it as a learning experience, don't keep it to yourself, discuss with supportive people, and develop a plan.


What hit TV series is based in the town of Hawkins, Indiana? 

What is Stranger Things?


What are the 6 Stages of Change? 

What is (1) Pre-contemplative, (2) Contemplative, (3) Preparation, (4) Action, (5) Maintenance, and (6) Relapse. 


What are triggers that relate to the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch?

What is Sensory Triggers?


True or False: Redefining fun is an important coping skill for Relapse Prevention.

What is True? 


What can you do to avoid triggers? 

What is... (Answers may vary)?

EX: Avoid specific places, things, people, etc.


In The Movie "Anchorman" What Is Ron Burgundy's Signature Sign-Off?

What is "Stay Classy, San Diego"?


What therapeutic approach is related to Relapse Prevention? 

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)? 


What are the 5 ways to Defuse Triggers? 

What is (1) Identify Triggers (2) Avoid Triggers, (3) Interrupt Triggers, (4) Talk about Triggers, (5) Thought-Stopping? 


True or False: The key to Relapse Prevention is understanding that it happens gradually.

What is True? 


Name a reason to have a Relapse Prevention Plan.

What is... (Answers may vary)?


What 1980's sitcom involved a furry brown long nosed alien that ate cats?  

What is Alf?