Big Book
Red Flags
Disease of Addiction
Relapse Process
According to the doctor, when an addict or alcoholic uses a substance they are seemingly unable to stop, he is referring to this.
What is the physical allergy or phenomenon of craving.
This acronym, "H.A.L.T" stands for these things that can make us vulnerable to relapse.
What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired.
True or False: Addiction is considered a primary disease that can exist on its own.
True. Although addiction is commonly seen along side other mental illness, a person can use their way to being addicted.
True or false: A relapse begins with the use of a substance.
What is False. A relapse begins long before this with thoughts and behaviors that return from our use.
________ communication is a style in which individuals have developed a pattern of avoiding expressing their opinions or feelings, protecting their rights, and identifying and meeting their needs.
What is Passive.
According to the doctor, when an addict or alcoholic believes they can use again like everybody else he is referring to this.
What is the mental obsession.
The acronym "H.O.W" describes some basic principals of recovery. What does this stand for?
What is Honesty, Open Mindedness, Willingness.
Though there is no known cure for addiction, ________ from mood altering substances gives us the best chance to not experience more problems related to substance use.
What is abstinence.
This is the stage of relapse when we pick up a substance and use it.
What is physical relapse.
______ communication is a style in which individuals express their feelings and opinions and advocate for their needs in a way that violates the rights of others.
What is Aggressive.
When the doctor refers to a person having an over-reliance on themselves he is referring to this.
What is the spiritual malady.
This is the term for when we actively avoid other people. How can this have a negative impact on our recovery?
What is Isolation.
Symptoms that occur 7-30 days after first becoming abstinent and may last for up to 2 years after stopping use.
What are Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms.
This is the stage of relapse where our old using behaviors begin to come back.
What is Mental relapse.
_______ communication is a style in which individuals clearly state their opinions and feelings, and firmly advocate for their rights and needs without violating the rights of others.
What is Assertive.
If you are having resentments towards another person, there is a prayer to help you in this story.
What is Freedom From Bondage p. 552
When we try to take over _______of other people, places or things, we are setting ourselves up for anger and resentment.
What is Control.
The part of the brain that controls our emotions, memory, and survival skills.
What is the Old Brain, The portion at the top of the brain stem which includes the amygdala, hippocamus, and more.
This is the stage of relapse that is characterized by H.A.L.T symptoms.
What is emotional relapse.
_______ communication is a style in which individuals appear passive on the surface but are really acting out anger in a subtle, indirect, or behind-the-scenes way.
What is Passive-Aggressive.
The Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous was first published in this year.
What is 1939.
When we want things and we want them NOW, we are lacking this positive character trait.
What is Patience.
The part of the brain that is in control of executive function such as decision making.
What is the prefrontal cortex.
True or false: Relapsing is a part of recovery process for many people and it does not mean that you are a failure.
What is TRUE! We always strive to avoid relapse but it is a normal part of the recovery process.
The in's and out process we do in group is a way to practice this type of communication style.
What is Assertive!