Internal Trigger Q's 1
Internal Trigger Q's 2
Cravings Uno
Cravings Dos

Give examples of internal triggers

Unhealthy core beliefs- ex people are out for themselves, I deserve special treatment

Distorted thinking- "it won't matter if I have one drink"

Negative emotions- anger, nervousness, boredom, depression, hopelessness, guilt

Positive emotions- excitement, happiness

Tests of personal control- being at a bar or party


True or false: negative thoughts and feelings are common internal triggers for relapse?



Finish the sentence: one day at a ________



True or false: If we learn to manage our cravings and stay abstinent, they get weaker and can disappear altogether.



Identify a thought you have when you experience a craving.

Dependent on answer

points to both teams if they answer


True or false: Problems related to physical, emotional, and mental health can also be strong triggers.

True- physical problems like sleeplessness or chronic pain, emotional problems like anxiety and depression, and mental health problems like memory loss and undiagnosed mental health disorders can lead to craving and relapse.


Name healthy hobbies that you can engage in as an alternative?

biking, reading, journaling, gardening, fishing, photography, working out, playing a sport, crafting, hiking, playing an instrument


Name negative and positive emotions that you feel daily. How can you cope with the negative?

dependent on answer

negative- opposite action, radical acceptance, keeping busy, challenging thoughts, dialectical thinking, mindfulness, meditation


When do you notice that your cravings are strongest?

Dependent on answer

give points to both teams if they answer


Give examples of supports that can help when you experience a craving.

Talk with someone (sober friend, family, counselor, minister, priest), attend AA/NA, scheduling appt with therapist, list of names/numbers of sober people you can contact


Triggers lead to __________, which leads to cravings, which lead to decisions, which ends in _________




What feelings may be associated with relapse and how do we work through those feelings?

Anger, fear, guilt

Take responsibility for our actions, treat ourselves with compassion, make amends with those we may have hurt (as long as it doesn't make matters worse), consider what we can learn from our mistakes, forgive yourself


What does a craving feel like to you?

Dependent on answer


Who was with you when your cravings occur-- or were you alone?

dependent on answer

give points to both teams if they answer


Give examples of what we can do to to get our minds off the craving.

read a book, write our thoughts in a journal, eat, do something physical that relaxes us, pray or meditate


Why is testing personal control dangerous?

Give examples of testing personal control.

How to cope with tests of personal control?

Risky situations can lead to serious relapse triggers.

*Hanging out in "that place"

* Contacting an old gang member

* Going to a party

* Going to a bar

Weighing the positives and negatives in the short term and the long term. Determining if it's worth the risk.


Who is a sober person that has had a positive impact on your life?

dependent on answer

points to both team if they answer


What is your favorite song?

dependent on answer

points to both teams if they answer


What link is there between activities you engage in and the cravings you experience?

dependent on answer

* give points to both teams if they answer


Give examples of changing our thinking.

don't act on impulse to use, think of bad things that occurred because of use, think of how good it will feel to not use, thinkin of urges as waves and imagine riding the wave, replace the craving with something healthy (like exercise or cooking), think positively, remind yourself one moment at a time


Think of a positive way to challenge this negative core belief:

"There's no getting ahead in this world- why bother trying?"

dependent on answer

Give examples of coping with physical pain, sleep issues, and emotional concerns.

* healthy diet, massage, non-addictive anti-inflammatory medicines

*going to bed and waking up at the same time, eliminating noise and bright lights from room, talking to someone if you are feeling anxious or depressed, avoiding caffeinated beverages for 6 hours before bed, read or listen to music before bed

* replacing negative thought patterns with positive thoughts, working to cope with problems in positive ways, monitoring ourselves to see where we need to change, rewarding ourselves for staying abstinent, getting medical or psychological help if needed


Think of a period of time when you were sober. What was life like?

dependent on answer

points to both teams, if they answer


Think of ways to avoid risky situations.

stay away from people, places, things, and situations that cause trigger cravings

clean out your living space 

practice proactive thinking

remember what we learned about how to cope with triggers


When can relapse happen?

When we don't eat, don't care, lie, think of using, don't sleep, don't have anything to do, don't reach out to sober supports, ignore our urges and cravings, blame others, feel sorry for ourselves, don't use recovery tools, don't have goals, think only of ourselves