Coping Skills

Engaging in this activity involves using paper and a writing utensil to describe and reflect on your feelings or thoughts. This coping skill is called ___________.



A sign of a _______ relapse includes reflecting on the good memories and feelings associated with your drug of choice.



True or false: Physical relapse happens after emotional and mental relapse.

True. The order of relapse is emotional, mental, and then physical. 


Some potential signs of an ______ relapse include experiencing unpleasant emotions, such as exhaustion, fatigue, or sadness, or a decrease in mood.



True or false: If you consider yourself in the green area of relapse, described as healthy and ongoing, then you do not have to continue to engage in recovery.

False. Recovery is a muscle we must continue to practice in order to be prepared for times of stress or when our recovery is being challenged.


Identify one unhealthy coping skill

1. Using a substance to numb out emotions, thoughts, memories, etc.

2. Engaging in an activity in excess, such as shopping beyond what your budget allows or eating until you are physically ill

3. Venting to an untrustworthy individual 


Describe what the mental health of someone who is successful during recovery may look like? 

Feeling positive or comfortable emotions, such as empowered, optimistic, hopeful, valuable, etc. 

Have the ability and tools to manage your emotions or thoughts.

Having the strength to challenge intrusive thoughts.

Taking medications as prescribed. 


True or false: Using the substance of choice is a sign of physical relapse



What are two ways we can prevent emotional relapse? 

Group response

Attending groups, being open with emotions, engaging in positive activities


True or false: It is recommended to share your relapse prevention plan with your support system



Identify two healthy coping skills to help manage triggers, cravings, and stress

Journaling, meditation, spiritual practices, physical exercise, listening to music, listen to TedTalks or inspirational speeches, etc. 


What does mental health look like when your recovery is being challenge? (yellow section of worksheet)

May be experiencing unpleasant emotions that vary with intensity, such as feeling overwhelmed, lonely, stressed, nervous, bored, etc. 

May be having negative or intrusive thoughts about yourself and recovery, such as thinking you cannot be successful in recovery or that you aren't strong enough. 

What do you do to manage triggers and cravings?

(Client's response)


Describe 2 signs of an emotional relapse

You may experience changes in mood, characterized as easily agitated, anxious, defensive, or angry.

Your routine or structure may be at risk. Isolating not being open with emotions. This may include not eating regularly or engaging in hygiene practices. This may also include not attending appointments or meetings. 


What are the stages of relapse?

Emotional, mental, and physical relapse 


List and describe four coping skills 

Physical activities, mentally stimulating activities (read, journal, play games, etc.), spiritual exercises, etc. 


Describe three ways to cope with poor mental health or a mental relapse.

1. Talk to a licensed professional (counselor, therapist, provider, IOP facilitator, psychiatrist, etc)

2. Disclose how you are doing with your support network

3. Take one feasible step towards improvement, such as taking your medications as prescribed, challenging your intrusive thoughts, or engaging in a self-care activity that provides mental relief (journaling, listening to music, planting, etc.)


What behaviors may we be engaging in during times of a physical relapse or the red section of the worksheet?

Using our drug of choice, hanging out with people who use, isolating ourselves from our support network, not attending appointments, lying to others, etc.


What is a personal sign that you are experiencing an emotional relapse? Explain this sign and how you can manage it. 

(Client's response) 


Making excuses or lying about your recovery is a sign of what kind of relapse?

mental relapse


Describe one coping skill and act it out for us.

(Client's response) 


Describe a situation when you may have experienced a mental relapse. What were some of yours thoughts? What seemed to contribute to this mental relapse?

(Client's experience)


What can you do to prevent a physical relapse?

1. Share your relapse prevention plan with your support network

2. Continue to attend scheduled appointments and meetings

3. Stay away from risky situations or environments

4. Remind yourself of the reality of using instead of focusing on only the positive memories (ex: play the tape forward)

5. Ask for help when you notice signs of a relapse


What are some signs of someone with emotional wellness during times of ongoing recovery?

1. Ability and comfort to discuss emotions with others you trust

2. Comfortable with experiencing unpleasant and pleasant emotions

3. Engage in self-care practices that promote emotional wellness, such as attending counseling, journaling, meditating, etc. 


What are the stages of change in recovery?

  1. Precontemplation, where they are often ignoring or denying the problem
  2. Contemplation, where they weigh the pros and cons of making a change
  3. Preparation, where they decide what they'll do to make the change
  4. Action, where they take steps toward the goal
  5. Maintenance, where they stick with it for the long term
  6. Relapse, where mistakes and setbacks happen, and people must decide whether to keep going