Time Management
Relapse Prevention

What are SMART goals

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely 


What is the ABC model of CBT

Activating event, belief, consequence 


What is the purpose of a boundary 

To communicate limits 


What is one thing you can do in order to reduce the risk of relapse

Crisis plan, therapy, routine, identify supports 

You struggle with having limited sober supports in your life. How can you build up your sober connections?

attend meetings, obtain a sponsor


Identify 3 tools for time management when first starting recovery? 

Creating a schedule, SMART goals, prioritize tasks 


What are the two parts that make up "consequences" from the C in the ABC model 

feelings and action


You get into an argument with your significant other as you found out they are texting an ex. You both are escalated about the situation, however you want to assert you boundaries. When is the best time for you to discuss this?

When both are calm

Define early warning signs and provide 3 examples

Signs you are starting to struggle. Isolate, irritable, sleeping in


You find yourself having thoughts that it may be okay to use just once. How do you manage this thought?

CBT, call sponsor, go to a meeting, wait on it 


How does having a routine relate to early warning signs?

Can notice when fall off track 

What is an NAT? Define it- do NOT provide just examples

Irrational or exaggerated negative thought 


Define passive, aggressive, and assertive communication. Do NOT just list examples

Passive- your needs are important

Aggressive- my needs are important

Assertive- both of our needs are important


What is a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. Do NOT just list examples

Growth- willing to try 

Fixed- not willing to try


You constantly are stuck comparing where you are at to others and thinking you should be further along. This is starting to impact your mental health as you are experiencing symptoms of depression. How would you manage this? 

therapy, opposite action, CBT, affirmations, supports


Should free time be a top priority if you have a busy schedule?

Yes, even a few minutes of self care daily can prevent burnout


What are 2 techniques you can utilize to reframe NATs

What would you tell a friend, thought challenging 


What does DEARMAN stand for?

Define, Express, Assert, Reinforce, Mindfulness, Appear Confident, Negotiate


What is a crisis plan? Name 3 components to a crisis plan

Plan in place to prevent identified crisis/ help support you through one. Supports, responsibilities for supports, coping skills 


You find yourself struggling with a lack of motivation for your recovery and the things you have to do daily as it is "too much work". How do you manage this?

discipline, smart goals, one day at a time, consistency calendar 


You have a busy schedule that consists of going to work from 8am-4pm daily. By the time you get home from work and go to a meeting it is 6:30pm. You like to use your nights to relax and wind down from the day, however you want to start working out. Identify a SMART goal that fits into this schedule 

You will go to the gym to lift weights on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday mornings at 6am for 30 minutes. 


Name 3 cognitive distortions and define them

Fallacy of fairness, all or nothing thinking, catastrophizing 


Using the DEARMAN skills, how would you have an assertive conversation with a friend that you would like to set a boundary with as they are actively using.

You are using again and I am feeling worried about my recovery. I need to set some boundaries in our friendship in order to protect myself. You can still reach me by text but please respect if I seem more distant.


What are the three different categories of people who can support/effect your recovery? Define each 

Supportive, neutral, destructive 


You are now in sober living and starting to feel overwhelmed with attempting to balance your recovery, work, family, and self care. How do you manage this?

Create a daily plan or weekly schedule