What are two things we have discussed in past Relapse Prevention groups?
What is 1) difficult thoughts related to recovery, 2) how to structure time, 3) considering what behaviors align with recovery, 4) support systems
What does 'DBT' stand for?
What is Dialectical Behavioral Therapy.
What is the name of the professions who support you outside of a program setting?
List at least two.
Who is 1) PCP, 2) NP/Psychiatrist, 3) Therapist, 4) Dietitian, 4) Specialist
What is it called when you identify an unhelpful thought, and think of a more helpful/accurate alternative?
What is Thought Reframing/Challenging
What are things that could activate the ED/a relapse?
What is 1) starting/ending school or a job, 2) starting/ending a relationship, 3) physical injury/illness, 4) interpersonal stressors, etc.
Who was the creator of DBT, and what are the four modules?
Who is Marsha Linehan.
What is Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance
A dietitian creates one for you, with you, to support nutritional needs.
What is this called?
What additional resources might be helpful to support consistent nourishment?
What is a Meal Plan.
What is, 1) grocery lists, 2) meal planning, 3) binder/folder with meal/snack ideas, 4) identifying what might be helpful from a support person (e.g. cooking, eating together etc.)
CBT teaches us that what three things are interconnected and influence one another?
What is Thoughts, Emotions and Behaviors
What is, in your own words, a relapse versus a lapse?
*Own wording
A relapse is typically thought of as a pattern of behaviors, occurring consistently that interfere with active recovery.
A lapse is typically thought of as a more isolated behavior
There is a skill in DBT which helps protect you from emotion mind; what is this skill, name each part.
A: accumulate positives
B: build mastery
C: cope ahead
Treat PhysicaL Illness
Balanced Eating
A: avoid mood altering drugs
Balanced Sleep: sleep
It's helpful and important to be ___________ with providers about where your at in recovery, challenges etc.
What is Honest/Truthful.
What skills or practices/behaviors can help you to become more aware of your patterns of thought?
What is 1) talk therapy, 2) journaling, 3) practicing Mindfulness, 3) Model of Emotions (ER) etc.
Meeting with outpatient providers
Two-part question!
1) Identify skills that have been helpful in your recovery and share how you've used them.
2) What is something you wish more people/your supports understood more about recovery?
*Individual response.
If you're in need of supports, who could you ask for resources?
1) WCB treatment team, 2) Call the back of your insurance card/behavioral health, 3) PCP, 4) Utilize internet, if you have it.
Identify at least one challenging thought you/someone may have about recovery.
Share the reframe
Create pairs of two or groups of three.
One person will draw and the others will guess.
Creating a schedule for the day/week
What module has skills to use when managing difficult emotions?
There is one acronym with skills to help in the moment; what is it called and what are at least, two components of it?
What is Distress Tolerance.
What is IMPROVE the moment.
I: imagery
M: meaning
P: prayer
R: Relaxation
O: one thing in the moment
V: vacation
E: encouragement
What are behaviors that support continued recovery?
*Individual answers
1) Engaging consistently with meal plan, 2) attending all provider appointments regularly, 3) practicing honesty with my supports, 4) utilizing skills when needed to interrupt behaviors etc.
In CBT, the 'C' part, 'Cognitive,' there are three 'levels of thought.'
What are these levels?
What are core beliefs, intermediate thoughts, automatic thoughts.