Emotional Relapse
Mental Relape
Physical Relapse

In emotional relapse you are thinking about using. True or False?

False!!In emotional relapse, you're NOT thinking about using. But your emotions and behaviors are setting you up for a possible relapse in the future.


In Mental Relapse are you thinking about using?

Yes,  there's a war going on in your mind. Part of you wants to use, but part of you doesn't


What is the biggest identifier of physical relapse?

Using or Drinking


What should a self care plan include?

Needs assessment, Realistic goals, Flexibility, Regular evaluation and Professional support


Name three signs of emotional relapse

Isolation, Not asking for help, Not going to meetings, Poor eating habits, Poor sleep habit, Restless, Irritable and Discontent, Anxiety, Intolerance, Anger, Defensiveness,Mood swings


In the earlier stages of mental relapse you are just idly ________?

Thinking about using 


Physical Relapse is the hardest to get out of? True or False

True, once drugs or alcohol enters the body, it is extremely difficult to stop. 


What are the two types of triggers?

Internal and external triggers


The signs of emotional relapse are the symptoms of ____?

Post Acute Withdrawal!


Name Three signs of mental relapse

Thinking about people, places, and things you used with, Glamorizing your past use, Lying, Hanging out with old using friends.Fantasizing about using, Thinking about relapsing, Planning your relapse around other people's schedules


Physical Relapse is where all of your focus should be on?

False! It is hardest to pull back from and focus should be on earlier stages. 


What does HALT stand for?

Hungry Angry Lonely Tired


Is this the hardest stage of relapse to pull back from? Is the pull really hard?

No! this stage is the easiest stage to pull back from. The later stages is when the pull gets harder


What are two technique for dealing with mental urges?

Play the tape through, tell someone that you're having urges to use, distract yourself, wait 30 mins, do your recovery one day at a time, make relaxation part of your recovery


What should you do if you do use?

Reach out to someone/ get into TX


What is the most important thing to do in early relapse prevetion?



What do we need to change in this step?

Our behavior! our behavior guides our beliefs and can help move us out of emotional relapse and prevent us form moving to mental.


What should one day at a time mean?

Your goals should match your strength


Relapse is a _____ with _____ stages

process three


What are five things you wrote in your self care plan?

Social connection, Spiritual practice, Stress management, Identifying and managing emotions, Building a Support Network, Schedule / Routine, Healthy sleep patterns, Self help meetings, Relaxation activities, Regular Reflection/ 10th step, Positive Affirmations, Setting Boundaries