Recovery Barriers
Coping Skills
Stinkin' Thinkin'
Risk Factors & Warning Signs
Put it in Writing (RPP)

Lack of this can lead to burnout, feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and dissatisfied in recovery. It may be thought of as a selfish act to someone who is not practicing a healthy recovery program. 

What is self-care?


An essential function for maintaining life and has a significant effect on brain chemistry. It greatly impacts emotions and helps regulate mood and essential to one's mental health and relapse prevention.

What is breathing?


It is the flip side of low self-esteem, characterized by an overinflated sense of self, and those who suffer from it possess an embarrassingly unrealistic sense of importance.

What is Grandiosity?


HALT is an acronym for these common trigger symptoms.

What is Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired?


Techniques to help you stay on track and avoid drinking and/or using drugs again.

What are coping skills?


Negative or irrational thoughts that lack evidence and influence how you feel and behave.

What is Stinking Thinking? or Cognitive Distortions? or Negative/Distorted Thinking? 

Participating regularly in this can provide support, accountability, education, and the ability to meet peers who understand what you are going through.

What is a support group? meeting? 


A form of cheating that usually starts small but can rapidly develop into full-blown relapse. An example of this would be missing appts., skipping meetings, making excuses, etc.

What is cutting-corners?


This is a state of being that can be either physical or emotional. It can increase one's sense of being separated and disconnected from others. Can be used as an escape from uncomfortable feelings & situations but not used as a long-term solution.

What is isolation?


Peers, family, church members, friends, and therapists can be elements that make up this type of network. 

What is sober support?


This common expression that portrays a pessimistic outlook on a situation; in contrast, the same situation could be viewed more optimistically. 

What is "glass half empty?"


This technique involves conscious thought about what will happen all the way through to the end, including short and long term consequences. This technique can help with decision making and reduce the risk of relapse.

What is play the tape through?


Telling other people what they want to hear. Superficial compliance - insincere statements - a sham to make oneself look good.

What is Lip Service?


This can be thought of as "good" or "bad," depending on the circumstances. Everyone has it but in recovery, desperate attempts to get rid of it can increase risk of relapse. Exercise, meditation, and breathing can help manage effectively.

What is Stress?


Sensory reminders that cause painful or uncomfortable memories or certain symptoms to resurface. These can be internal or external. 

What are triggers?


Inability or unwillingness to do this can be attributed to pride, feeling burdensome, fears, etc.

What is asking for help?


The core concept of this is paying attention, awareness, or focus on what you are doing, where you are, who you are with and more. There is no judgment involved. Regular practice of this can lead to insight and empowerment over cravings.

What is mindfulness?


This stinking thinking symptom can seem as normal as breathing to addicts. There is an immature 'natural' will to resist and oppose authority figures meaning anyone who tries to influence their behavior. No need for feedback because they have all the answers!

What is defiance?


If nothing pressing demands attention, time tends to move by slowly and the mind wanders due to inaction. To pass the time, our stinking thinking may come back into play with thoughts of hanging out with old using friends. This idleness is not conducive to maintaining one's recovery.

What is boredom?


Name 5 activities you can do to prevent boredom that start with the letter C.

What is cook, craft, chess, checkers, comedy club, crochet, collage, cards, coffee shop, camping, canoeing, clean, etc. & etc.!


Judgment based on a personal characteristic, such as an illness. Social disapproval of a person or group based on a mental, physical or social feature. 

What is Stigma?


A way to send and receive a conversation. This can be done domestically or internationally. For many, this can be out of one's comfort zone, but can be a good way to build strength from lifting "500 lbs." 

What is a phone call?


A set of emotions, beliefs, and behaviors toward a particular object, person, thing, or event. It can also be described as the way we evaluate something or someone and influence how we respond. 

What is attitude?


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Critical, harsh, and counterproductive - this form of dialog in our minds may hinder motivation and increase relapse risk potential. 

What is negative self-talk? 


Name 3 recovery meetings you might find in the community that are not 12-step based.

What is SMART Recovery, All Recovery meeting, Women For Sobriety, LifeRing, Secular Organization for Sobriety, Health Realization, etc.