Internal Warnings
External Warnings
Social Warnings
"Oh... woe is poor little old me..."

What are feelings of self-pity.


"I know... but I only have 1 drink on the weekends with friends now..."

What is the start of controlled drinking?


"I don't need your help anymore..."

What is the open rejection of help?

"It's really not that bad or that big of a deal..."

What is Conscious Lying?


"I think that I'm just better off being quiet... I don't have anything good to say anyway..."

What is the complete loss of self confidence?


"Everyone is out of their minds... I come home late a few times and now you want to drug test me? I have been sober 15 days!"

What are unreasonable resentments?


"I'm sure that I could have a drink here or there..."

What are thoughts of social drinking?


"There isn't really any point in my trying... nothing I can do is going to change anything..."

What are feelings of powerlessness & helplessness?


"Yeah I know I haven't been to group all week, why are you so uptight?"

What is the discontinuing of treatment?


"This is never going to get better, so I might as well get high to try and feel something good..."

What is dissatisfaction with life?


"Can I get a 24 pack of Bud-Light please... and 2 of those airplane bottles of Vodka..."

What is a total loss of control for recovery?


"Why won't you just leave me the f*** alone?!"

What is overwhelming anger, loneliness and tension?